
Saturday 13 December 2014


 What is really happening in Nigeria?  It means that anybody can own a war ship now!  OK. According to Norwegian website -, this is a picture of one of the warship allegedly acquired by former militant, Government Tompolo. See more pictures and the translation of the words after the cut..


Bukky Wright, a Nollywood top actress has lost her bid to contest for the Ogun state House of Representatives on the platform of the Social Democratic Party, SDP.

 The pretty actress lost to a former aide of Gov. Ibikunle Amosun, Mr. Sopade in the party’s primaries


An explosion has hit, Arakale an area in Akure, moment ago. It was learnt that an explosion from a gas station spreading rapidly towards residential area; and that some people are said to have lost their lives, while residents are running out of their houses for fear of been caught in the fire. See other photo after the cut.


APC's presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari issued a powerful statement on terrorism in which he said ‘We will together see the end of them and their reign of terror’. See the ststement   below:

I condemn, unreservedly and with every strength in me, the recent terrorist attacks in Kano and Jos, the two historic cities that are known for their rich cultural and religious heritage.

Once again, those who seek to influence our way of life, modify our faith and our most sacred core values, have struck, leaving in their wake lives brutally cut short, limbs badly broken and dreams forced to fade away.

But these people, whose actions are not sanctioned by any religion and who subscribe to no known decent values, will not succeed. Our people are resilient and strong, and our nation is capable, based on our rich human and material resources, of successfully tackling these nihilists.

We will together see the end of them and their reign of terror. They have failed because Nigeria will remain strong and united in the face of what has now become an almost daily infliction of terror on a defenceless people. Women, children and the aged are not spared by these barbaric purveyors of horror, intimidation and panic. No religion condoles the killings of such vulnerable and innocent people, hence we are sure these terrorists profess to none of the world's great religions, much as they seek to mask their actions with the cloak of religion.

Because their ideals are primordial and whatever cause they claim to be pushing is not just, they will not succeed. In spite of their terror, our respective faith and how we practice them will flourish and expand. Our reputation as a people of deep faith and peaceful religious coexistence will shine through, it will not diminish, it will not be forfeited.

I commiserate with the victims and their family members. While praying that Allah will grant repose to the souls of the departed and comfort those who lost loved ones, I urge all of us to demonstrate our time-tested compassion by providing support and succour to those affected one way or other in their hour of need.

To my long-suffering fellow citizens who have borne the brunt of these almost daily senseless attacks, I say help is on the way. Terror must and will be defeated. All it requires is the political will, uncommon courage and unrelenting determination, and victory will be ours.

Gen. Muhammadu Buhari
APC Presidential Candidate
Abuja, Dec 13 2014


UK immigration is set to deport a South African citizen, Michael Engel, after a court ruled his British wife's salary was not high enough.
A Home Office spokesman said the rules were designed to stop foreign spouses becoming reliant on UK taxpayers. According to him, British citizens who want to bring a foreign spouse to the UK must earn £18,600 a year and a further £3,800 - a total of £22,400 - if the couple have a child.

The couple were told of the immigration tribunal's ruling after they had appealed on the grounds of a right to family life.
Mr Engel, a 31-year-old yacht engineer living in Cornwall, said he and wife Natalie plan to go back to South Africa with 18-month-old daughter Nyana.

Mrs Engel's craft-making business made £19,786 in 2014 which was deemed not enough by the tribunal panel, which met on 3 December.
She said the decision made her feel like her family was being "kicked out" of the country.She said: "I'm gobsmacked, lost for words, angry and deflated. I'm not so proud to be British right now."

But Judge Michael Wilson, who heard the appeal, said UK taxpayers "should not be expected to have to financially support the appellant in the event of him not obtaining work".

The couple are now awaiting a deportation date.

Mr Engel said: "We did everything in our power to tick all the boxes.
"They are just attacking the wrong people - they are attacking British citizens."
The couple met in 2009 working on a cruise ship and lived in South Africa for four years.

They moved to the UK in January 2013 with Mr Engel on a holiday visa, living first in Yorkshire and then in Cornwall.
In a statement the Home Office said: "Our family rules were brought in to make sure that spouses coming to the UK do not become reliant on the taxpayer for financial support.
"This is fair to applicants and to the rest of the public, and has been upheld by the Court of Appeal."

North Cornwall Liberal Democrat MP, Dan Rogerson, said in October: "It's absolutely right that anyone who comes to settle in this country has the resources to do that and is not going to claim benefits straight away.
"But I think it's also important that we get the thresholds right, so that in low income areas like Cornwall, we are not disadvantaging people.

"We need to keep families together who want to settle here."BBC

NB: What God has joined together, let no man put asunder? 


 The baby and his father who went missing after his mother was found dead in a refrigerator on Monday 8th December, at their home in Houston, Texas have been found in Mexico.

Houston police says that the little boy was found abandoned yesterday 12th December in Queretaro, central Mexico. Patrick was located somewhere else in Mexico and has since been taken into custody

Achilles Lambert, 11 months, was abducted by his Nigerian father, Patrick Lambert, who is a suspect in his wife’s murder. Anastacia Lambert was stabbed to death. (read story here)


A Nigerian citizen, based in Spain, 35 year old Peter Angelina, who makes a living selling tissue paper at a traffic light junction at the corner of Calle Juan Diaz de Solis and Ruben Dario in Seville, Spain, returned a briefcase contained that valued €13,000!

 According to Euronews, while Peter was selling his wares on December 3rd he noticed a small briefcase left on the roof of a car. The briefcase fell to the ground when the driver of the car pulled away. Peter picked up the briefcase and ran after the vehicle, trying to flag the driver down to return the case to him but couldn't get the attention of the driver. He then took the briefcase to a police station near the junction.

When police opened the briefcase, they found €3,150 in cash and six cheques with a combined value of €13,000 as well as some documents and a mobile telephone. More money than the man who left Lagos Nigeria for London, then Spain over 10 years had ever seen in his life.

According to Euronews, Spanish Police tracked down the owner of the briefcase, a 42-year-old businessman from Seville, and returned his belongings. The man later found Peter and rewarded him with €100.

"People say I could have kept the money and then thrown the briefcase away but I am not like that, and God wouldn't have liked that. I am not crazy, I am a good man." Peter later told local media.

Peter Angelina is a doctor, but cannot practice medicine in Spain because his diploma from Lagos University is be recognized there. He started studying medicine in Seville five years ago and sells tissues to afford his studies. He also gets a little financial help from his father who reportedly works in the police force in Nigeria