
Tuesday 20 January 2015


According to reports , a  27-year old man claiming to be a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, reportedly cut off his penis from the rest of his body with a machete in order to concentrate on his 21- day fasting and prayer session .
In his words, ” the p3nis has a mind of its own and it is capable of doing things which are totally out of my control. It usually gets erect every now and then, and konji sets in. And you know that konji is one of the things that lead people into sin. The erections were making me weaker spiritually and in the fast. That is why I cut it off''.
Even Jesus Christ said that we should cut off anything which will make us sin.” When FNN asked him whether he considered the long term implications of his actions before embarking on the, he replied that he had taken all the necessary measures, and was sure that the penis would grow back on his body after the 21 day fasting period.


 Pastor Chris Onyekachi-Madu, General-overseer of Victory in Christ Gospel Ministry, Egbeda ,Lagos  has accused his wife of gross infidelity and getting pregnant for an Okada rider.

The 45-year old cleric who heads, Chris Onyekachi-Madu made this shocking revelation at an Igando Customary court while pleading for the dissolution of their union.
 The couple who once lived peacefully at No. 1, Bola Kadiri Street in Egbeda area of Lagos State, are currently in a divorce saga, as the Pastor wants his estranged wife Augusta Madu, out of his life for getting pregnant for an Okada man.

Recounting his horrible experience, Madu said his wife, with whom he had two children, started fighting him on a daily basis while also bringing strange men into their home.
“They come to my house at about 11p.m. There was a day I had to interrogate a man that she brought home. She introduced her to me as her pastor.”

He said further that his wife later brought the ‘ Okadaman’ to his house, who she introduced to him as someone that would be taking their children to and from school. But after taking his children to school in the morning and bringing them back, the Bike man would then take his wife away even in his presence, adding that this happened on three consecutive occasions, after which she slept over the fourth time.

However after listening to the evidence of the complainant, the President of the court, Rasack Isola-Adeyeri, adjourned the matter to January 28 for further hearing.


Gen Buhari will address all controversies surrounding his academic certificates at a press conference tomorrow, January 21st by 9am in Kano. The APC presidential candidate made this known through the Director of the APC's Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu.


 The setting, her home...after mommy mode:

Our interview takes place after dinner, in a book-lined office/study neatly crammed with all types of J.Lo memorabilia-but not before Lopez reminds her kids, twins Emme and Max, that they have school tomorrow, and have to be in bed by 8 p.m. When she finally enters, Jennifer is barefoot and looking super comfortable in ready-for-bed wear. Yes, the icon wears regular pajamas, and she looks great. Speaking with the aura of a seasoned self-help guru, she reveals how she got to this happy place.

 On fairytales about relationships that little girls are taught:

Yeah, well, that’s what we’re taught when we’re little. Little girls are taught that especially. Prince Charming is gonna come along. You’re going to live happily ever after, and then that doesn’t happen. You have your first boyfriend in high school and that falls apart and you’re like, “What’s going on?” [Laughs.] All of these things get shattered one by one. It’s so unfair. Nobody teaches us the important thing from when we’re young, which is to value yourself and love yourself, and then you can share happiness and love with other people. That’s what we should be teaching kids, not fairy tales about Prince Charming rescuing you. Or that you have to be Prince Charming and rescue this girl. It’s funny, we’re formed from the time we’re 0 to 7. We’re battling the rest of our lives trying to figure that out. And now that I have my own kids, I think about that stuff a lot, like, what do I want to teach them? I want them to have fantasies and the fairy tales and all that, but at the same time I want them to know what is important, which is to have a great sense of self and to be good on their own.
 On whether relationships between older women and younger men can work:

Is it possible for relationships to work when the guy is older than the girl? [Yes.] Well, then I would say yes. [Laughs.] What would be different?
 On celebrity hacking being a trade off for fame/fortune:

[Laughs.] Oh! When you become rich and famous, you don’t have feelings anymore?! That’s what it is. OK! C’mon. It’s not about having money in the bank. You can have all the money in the world and it doesn’t mean you’re a happy person. Money doesn’t solve problems. It makes some things easier but it just gives you a different set of problems. Everything has a trade-off in this world. I’ve learned that from being broke as hell and having money.
 On beautiful women who are insecure

It’s not just beautiful women. It’s all women. And it’s all men, too. It’s everyone. People are more surprised when they hear that somebody who is attractive is insecure. I don’t understand that because, again, we’re all human. Nobody looks in the mirror and goes, “That person is so perfect!” It’s just the nature of a human being that they have insecurities. You try to do things that you’re proud of to boost up your self-esteem and your integrity. At the end of the day, you’re the only person who can give that to you. That’s something that everybody struggles with at one time or another. I’m no different than anybody else in that sense.
 On the endless rumors that have followed her through a 20 year career

The rumors at that time were so endless. I still haven’t figured that all out completely. I’ve thought sometimes, “Was it because I was a woman? Was it because I was a minority?” [Laughs.] I was like, “Why me? Why are they picking on me so much? What have I done?” It’s funny. Men get praise when they are successful, like, “Look how great he’s doing.” Women get criticized for some reason. I don’t understand it. All I know is that because I’ve stuck around for so long people realize, “Oh, that must not be true.” [Laughs.] “We finally got to know the real her.”
On concerns about daughter Emme and the plastic surgery phenomenon

Yeah, what is she gonna want to do, or how good is she gonna feel about herself? I hope to show her from example that you have to love yourself for who you are. And that doesn’t mean that you can’t do things to enhance yourself, like work out, or if somebody wants to get a nose job. I don’t know. You can take a hard stance on things and then eat your words later. All I’m saying is, at the end of the day, you got to feel happy about who you are inside, and then you can make good choices for yourself.
 On critics of her "Booty" video being too sexy for a mother to take part in

I’m not allowed to be sexy because I’m a mom? It’s like, How do you think I got my children? [Laughs.] The truth is I don’t want to do anything that they would be embarrassed of in the long run. But at the end of the day, they care more about me being there, taking care of them, than if I’m sexy in a video. And I’m not saying that one day they may not be like, “Mom! Why did you do that?!” [Laughs.] But I don’t think that in 10 years I’m going to be doing that either. Again, it’s about what feels good to me in this moment. It felt right. It’s a good message for women. I’m standing next to this girl who is 24 years old and I’m in my 40s and there’s no difference. Women need to see that and feel that. You can’t let the fear of what people might say or think stop you from doing what you want to do or else we would never do anything.
Photo credit: Complex magazine...


The APC has reacted to the statement the military released today about Buhari's certificate.See below

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has warned that those who are bent on destroying its Presidential Candidate, Maj.-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, on the basis of his certificates may end up destroying the country's military.
In a statement issued in Lagos on Tuesday by its National Publicity Sec. Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party warned that the PDP and the Jonathan Administration are playing a dangerous game by trying to compromise the military in order to satisfy selfish political objectives, and urged the military, as a symbol of national unity, to beware of those who may be seeking to use it to achieve selfish and divise ends.

It said the statement credited to the Nigerian Army Director, Army Public Relations, Brig-Gen. Olajide Olaleye, at a press conference in Abuja on Tuesday, that the Army is not in possession of Gen. Buhari's certificates, is in direct conflict with what he said on Jan. 4th 2015 on the same issue.

''In an interview with the Punch on Jan. 4th 2015, Brig.-Gen. Olaleye said: 'Every serving and retired Army officer has at least a copy of his certficates and credentials kept in the Nigerian Army while that same serving and retired officer has copies of those same certificates and credentials'.

''Is Brig.-Gen. Olaleye now saying that he did not make that statement? If he did, what has happened between then and now to make him to recant? It will be interesting to know what has transpired between then and now,'' APC said.

But more worrisome, the party said, is the statement credited to Brig.-Gen. Olaleye that there was no evidence that the certificates of all those who joined the army in the early 1960s were verified by the selection board.

''Is he now saying that all those who were commissioned into the officer cadres in the 1960s did not have their certificates verified? Does this not confirm what we said that in trying to destroy Gen. Buhari, the PDP and the Jonathan Administration will end up destroying the army as an institution? Or is it only Gen. Buhari that was commissioned into the army in the 1960s,'' it said.

The party also quoted Gen. Buhari as saying in an affidavit on 24/11/2014 that ''All my academic qualifications documents as filled in my presidential form, President APC/001/2015 are currently with the Secretary Military Board as at the time of this affidavit.''

''Those who are behind the latest controversy should now tell Nigerians what happened to Gen. Buhari's certificates between the time of his affidavit and now,'' it said.
APC said in any case, even if the Army now says it does not have the  certificates of Gen. Buhari, he is still very qualified to run for the country's highest office, as stipulated by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The party quoted Section 131 (d) of the Constitution: ''A person shall be qualified for election to the office of President if he has been educated up to at least School Certificate level or its equivalent''

APC said the meaning and interpretation of ''School Certificate level or its equivalent can be found in the Constitution under part IV, Section 318. In that Section, a ''School Certificate or ot equivalent'' is defined quite succinctly thus:

(a) A Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent, Grade II Teacher's Certificate, the City and Guilds Certificate; or
(b) Education up to Secondary School Certificate Level; or
(c) Primary Six School Leaving Certificate or its equivalent.
The party said since Brig.-Gen. Olaleye has now confirmed that Gen. Buhari indeed applied to join the Army from form six, that the principal of the school he attended even attested to his suitability, and that the form he filled contained his Secondary School Certificate results, there is no scintilla of doubt about his qualification to run for president as stipulated by the Constitution.
''However, we know that the PDP and the Jonathan Administration have constituted themselves into a court of law and will like nothing more than the disqualification of our candidate so they will face no challenge in next month's election. This is wishful thinking,'' it said.

APC said the PDP and the Jonathan Administration should expend their energy on how to revive their floundering campaign instead of seeking the disqualification of its (APC) candidate.
On the contradictions in the statements credited to the Army spokesman, the party said: ''It is true that our once globally-respected military has now been made comatose by the PDP-led Federal Government, but we believe things have not reached the level where the same military will be engaging in actions that amount to self destruction, just to satisfy some political interests.
''We believe things have not reached a level where we, as a nation, will now be giving the impression that a man who rose to become a Major-General in the Nigerian Army does not have requisite qualifications?

''What really is happening in our country if some politicians have now decided to engage in an action that will amount to dragging the military into politics, dividing an institution that is a symbol of national unity, trivializing the service of those who fought to keep Nigeria one and ridiculing the same country it is supposed to be ruling?

''We have said it before and will like to repeat: Enough is enough about this distraction orchestrated by the PDP and the Jonathan Administration whose electioneering campaign for next month's polls has suffered a train wreck,'' the party said

Monday 19 January 2015


....your comment pls.

Source: Linda Ikeji's blog


Georgina Onuoha’s marriage packed up a few years ago. She took to her Facebook page to talk about it for the first time says its a pain of feeling worthless and used. Continue...