
Friday 5 May 2017


Waka music modernizer, Queen Salawa Abeni is a year older today. Salawa Abeni Alidu (born May 5, 1961) is a popular Nigerian singer.  She began her professional career in Waka music when she released her debut album titled, Late General Murtala Ramat Mohammed, in 1976.
Happy birthday to her.


Veteran actress, Joke Silva, has voiced her opinion on the increasing rate of celebrity divorces in recent times and gave insight as to why that is so.

According to her, celebrities seem to be more hit by divorce only because they are in the public eye therefore whatever happens to them is made public. Read what she wrote after the cut...

“It is because the younger generation are very popular because of social media, and so, whatever happens to them becomes news; forgetting that there are as many divorces, there as many separations in other professions such as medical, financial, legal among others. Name any profession; there are so many separations in those as well,” she told New Telegraph.

The mother-of-two fingered social media as the major challenge facing celebrity marriages and advised celebrities to learn how to manage what they put out for others to see, that way they can still keep the important parts of their lives private and secure.

“There are a lot of challenges that are being faced by artistes of this particular generation; and one of those challenges is the social media, which almost doesn’t allow you your life. People of my age, when we were getting all the attention, and we were feeling like we were the best thing, things were different. You need all the attention anyway. For your work to sell, you need that popularity. It goes with the job, so you need that popularity. But after a while, you also get to learn that it can be a double edge sword. So, it is about managing it, appreciating the audience for appreciating your work, but also giving yourself that limit to what aspect of you they can experience.

“In this age of reality shows where nothing seems to be off limit, the new skill that the entertainer has to learn is how much do you give your audience? More so, because you don’t want to be false; like used to happen in the early years of Hollywood where they would create this incredible image, and then it was almost impossible for the performer to live under that image; and a lot of them used to use all kinds of medications just to fit a particular image that was being built around them. Now, we are in the age of social media, so it is learning how to cope with social media, to do the work that social media does, which is to get your work out there, to get your face out there. But then limit that too so that you do have a life; so that you can have some modicum of emotional privacy. Those are the challenges that I know that the younger generation face.''



President  Muhammadu Buhari this afternoon observed juma'at prayer at the State House mosque. He was joined by National Security Adviser, Babanga Munguno.‎ More photos below...


Divorced mother of two took to her Instagram page to advice women to walk away from abusive marriages while they can, because there's no shame in being single mother.

She shared series of domestic violence photos and wrote;

"Love does not hurt
What you love, you protect
The rate of domestic violence in Nigeria 🇳🇬 is alarming
Yet, our elected officials are mute about it. No Legislation put in place to protect against domestic violence and to punish its perpetrators. Why have we become immune to it? Domestic violence is no respecter of class, status, fame, religion or creed. No one is immune from it man or woman?
Why remain in an abusive relationship? To please society? To have the title of Mrs or Mr after your name? For fortune , fame or pleasure?
It starts slowly and metamorphose into a beast you can't control.
Why not leave to Live?
So many have died and many more dying as I write this.
You should love yourself enough not to let anyone scar you.

Why do women protect there abusers?
There is no shame in walking away. Do not conform to what society sets for you as standards of marriage or relationship. Every faith should condemn violence.
To my brothers; Why hit the one you claim to love? What happened to walking away?
What will you do if your mother, sister, daughter or aunt calls you or come home with a battered face? will you defend them against their abusers or tell them 'such is life because you are guilty of same crime' ? Would you protect them? If yes, why would you subject someone else's daughter to same faith of abuse?
Only cowards hit women and people?
Woman hear word!!
Walk away, if you fall out of love with your loved one, please explain it to the people your decision will affect the most directly and walk away. It becomes a burden when you want to eat your cake and have it. Emotions and feelings are strong.. It's better to shed a few tears temporary than being scared for life or worst of all end 6 feet.
Kids learn from where they live and grow.. Home is their first school, they exhibit what they see their parents do. Protect them so they don't grow up thinking it's normal to hit or abuse anyone.
Please let's end this vicious cycle.
My heart goes out to all going through this phase and any who has been through this phase. The scars might heal but the wounds lingers for ever.
Walk away while you can.
#No shame in being a single lady
#No shame in being a single mom"


Bread seller turned model, Olajumoke Orisaguna took to her Instagram page to celebrate her husband who turned a year older today. She shared a photo of them and wrote.....
 Happy Birthday to my partner in this walk of life, the father of my princesses, my brother & friend. God bless you, sending you & light from SA... See you soon for our own celebration (Igba Odun odun kan) #birthdayboy#blessed


Daddy Freeze,Cool FM OAP, has slammed the Household of God General Overseer,Chris Okotie is in no position to condemn T.B Joshua, and his choice of word is  grossly inappropriate and serve to bescumber his image.

Here's what he wrote;

"In my opinion, Chris Okotie is in no position to condemn prophet Joshua! Also, his choice of words when addressing prophet Joshua are, by my standards, grossly inappropriate and serve to bescumber his image.

I dont have a problem with TB Joshua relocating or staying, as the choice is his to make. My problem is the fact that it was at the verge of becoming a federal government issue, amidst all our other unresolved problems.

However, this should not present an opportunity for a pastor to shade another pastor. ~FRZ
