
Thursday, 10 October 2013


"We Yoruba, though only 25% of Nigeria’s population, account for about 52% of all Nigerians who hold university degrees. Ours are the strongest professional class and middle class on the continent. Already a country of many large walled towns as early as the 16th century, the country of the Yoruba Nation has always been the most urbanized country in tropical Africa.

 As a result of this urban civilization, when Christian evangelism and Western education came to tropical Africa in the 19th century, both quickly recorded their fastest growth in Yorubaland among the countries of tropical Africa. By the 1860s, many Yoruba parents were already sending their children for higher education in Europe.

 By the 1870s, a considerable literate professional class had emerged – of doctors, lawyers, engineers, surveyors, journalists, etc. No other people in what later became British-ruled Nigeria produced a university graduate until the middle of the 1930s. The earliest newspaper was published in a Yoruba town in 1859, and many soon followed in other Yoruba towns. By the 1950s, we became the first people in Africa to establish a Free Primary Education Program.
In comparison with the countries of the modern world, the Yoruba Nation in Nigeria is, in population, bigger than many of the richest and most influential countries of the Western world – a little bigger than Canada, about as big as Spain or Poland, about four times as big as Portugal or Sweden. Of the fifty-four countries of the continent of Africa (besides Nigeria), Yoruba population in Nigeria is smaller than those of only three countries – Egypt, Ethiopia, and Congo (Kinshasa), about as large as the population of the Union of South Africa, and bigger than the population of every one of the remaining fifty countries.

In land area too, Yorubaland in Nigeria is, in comparison with the countries of today’s world, quite a large country. At about 105,000 square miles (168 square kilometers), it is a little bigger than the size of the United Kingdom, over nine times the size of Belgium, over three times the size of Austria, over six times the size of Holland, and about three times the size of Portugal..."

By:Tokunbo Aremoodua

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