
Saturday 31 May 2014


The story about the conviction of Pastor Eric Abakporo, a Nigerian lawyer based in USA on flimsy excused of fraud is not new to me as US judgements against Black people.  

The case of Brian Keith Banks, born in July 24, 1985. A native of Long Beach, California, came to my mind. ‘’In the summer of 2002, Banks was arrested and charged after classmate Wanetta Gibson said that he dragged her into a stairway at Polytechnic High School (Poly) and raped her. However, with the crucial DNA evidence put aside, and faced with a possible 41 years to life sentence, he accepted a plea deal that included five years in prison, five years of probation, and registering as a sex offender. After the poor guy served his jailed term, Wanetta then confessed that she lied against him!

According   to Vickie Owodunni, social critics, she summed it up thus: ‘As much as I love America, this is one of the aspects of the country that scares me. Right from former FBI Director Edgar Hoover the FBI made life a living hell for those they want to get rid off; and they still do. Once they want you guilty you will be guilty, no matter what evidence proves otherwise. It's a very evil system that needs changing. But when they knew this judge manipulates the law to suit her why couldn't they do something about her?’

Enjoy the letter:

‘Dear Islammiyah,

I have a story that I would appreciate if you publish on your blog. You may have read about Pastor Eric Abakporo. Anyone who wants to know the truth about this case, will listen to me because I was present every single  day of the court deliberation.  This is another case of injustice against a minority.  Pastor Eric Abakporo did nothing to deserve the conviction he got.

All banks in question wrote formally and cleared him of every accusation of fraud.  From the findings, it is safe to conclude that this was a planned arrangement.  It was obvious that the court system of a country that calls itself democratic allowed such a fraudulent conviction because the person concerned is not a citizen of this country. He was accused falsely and convicted and sentenced not based on the fraud that he was accused of because there was no evidence to prove it but on Relevant Conduct which the parties involved in this plot cooked up.

The man was accused of bank fraud and the court never found anything to prove that.  All the banks in question wrote to confirm Pastor Abakporo’s innocence.  They wrote that no money was lost on the transactions he was involved with; most of which he was just an attorney representing his clients.  All the mortgages involved here were all paid and satisfied and Pastor Abakporo did not steal any money from any bank or individual.

The period before sentencing lasted very long because the court could not find any loss with which to sentence him.  The court finally resorted to using Relevant Conduct and Intended Loss, wrongly, because they did not want to accept that Pastor Abakporo has won the case.  They could not prove that he intended to defraud any bank or individual.  In short nothing was proved beyond reasonable doubt.

The court relied on false accusations from certain individuals; such accusations which were disproved right there in the court, and by calculating losses from third party properties that had nothing to do with Pastor Abakporo.  (Imagine selling your property to someone for a certain amount.  That someone now sells it to another person and made a profit on it, after which that third person now sells the property, but below purchase price.  Now imagine the loss incurred by this third person then gets calculated against you the very first seller).  These are the kinds of calculations used against this man.  It boils down to the court and government not wanting to face the shame of accusing and convicting an innocent man, if he is set free.

They wanted to find something by all means when their initial claims failed.  They even went searching for new things to use against him after jury conviction, because they had nothing to support the conviction.   The bank denied any loss against Pastor Abakporo.  The court and government then claimed he used sophisticated means which they did not prove.  A lot happened in that court.  It was injustice in the highest order from a judge who has already been declared by her peers as having a history of being a partial judge.  Together with the evil FBIs and others who plotted this attack they planned this evil against a man of God, an innocent man out of jealousy of certain highly placed individuals with whom he’s had problems in the past.

Do not believe what these group of people say against this innocent man.  He is innocent of all the charges against him.  Have you asked yourself what happened to the 90 years imprisonment they said he was going to get?  What happened to the bank and wire fraud? None of that survived.  All they have to say are lies against his profession and ministry, all because of jealousy and hatred of Christians especially ministers.  They sought to mess up his credibility and name because he is a lawyer and a pastor.

He did none of the things they accused him off and they know it.   We know many are languishing in American jails for crimes they did not commit.  In this year alone at least four or five people have been released from jail whom they wrongly accused and convicted.  These people have spent better parts of their lives in jail without doing anything wrong.  Think and judge for yourselves.’

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