
Sunday 23 November 2014


What a man can do, a woman can even do better! Women are generally considered as the weaker sex but in the battle to flush out Boko Haram from Nigerian territory, alas, they stand equal with their male counterparts! Fearless, pretty and bold, Ladi, the female hunter from Adamawa State fear neither man nor woman, her ultimate goal is just to help flush out the dreaded Boko Haram. 

Ladi , a dark-skinned young lady in her 20s. Looking at her, you would hardly believe that she possesses the boldness to confront members of the terrorist sect. In fact, you would pass her off as a young man due to her masculine features but she is in all respects a lady.

According to her, she was motivated by the desire to join in the effort to save her nation from the rampaging terrorists called Boko Haram. Ladi is not alone, with this desire; it was gathered, and there are a number of female hunters engaged in the Civilian Joint Task Force.

This female hunters are all part of a civilian vigilante coalition known as Ibn Fadlallah’s forces. Barely literate and armed with locally made guns as well as bows and arrows, they risk lives helping the armed forces to hunt members of the sect in the jungles of the North-Eastern states of Nigeria comprises of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe.

Asked why she mustered the courage to join the effort, beautiful Ladi replied: “Boko Haram’s days are numbered. We are not afraid and we are ever ready to fight them (boko haram).

“Me, fear death? Never. This is because I believe that we shall all taste it someday,’’ said Ladi, with boldness etched on her face. Ladi, like other male volunteers was optimistic that, with support and motivation they would succeed. “I can assure you that, with support, encouragement and assistance we can play our own role in fighting the monster called Boko Haram.

“We need support from government and individuals to cater for our families,” she added, brandishing her dane gun. Ladi and her colleagues say they dare to confront the insurgents with the inferior weapons in their hands, vowing that, “If you are committed and have faith in God, you will succeed. We know they (Boko Haram) are using sophisticated weapons, but that will not deter us from facing them squarely. “They thought we would be afraid; never! One can kill a snake with his or her little stick; commitment, resilience and above all faith are the key factors,” she concluded. Though she is married, she declined to disclose personal details for security reasons. Ladi is part of the large army of hunters and CJTF which battled Boko Haram after it tried to install Amirs (leaders) in Maiha, a town in Adamawa State.

They foiled the move and killed several members of the sect. The civilian force also helped the armed forces to liberate some of the captured towns. 

NB: I hope that at the end of this exercise all this brave Nigerians will be honoured!

Read more: Sunday New Telegraph and

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