
Monday 8 December 2014

Meet an icon that 'reunites 2 stolen children with their parent'... PRINCESS DINEO MEKO II

IMPERIAL CROWN PRINCESS DINEO MOILOANYANA is a very unique human being with a passionate heart. The first grand-DAUGHTER of Itseng Batlokwa Tlholoe of the 2nd royal house of the Batlokwa ba ga Bogatsu, currently based in Tlokweng, Silverkraans ,South Africa. Princess Dineo late father James Gladston Dean came from the 4th royal house from Zanzibar and this was only found out 18years after his death - Murphy’s Law!!

Princess Dineo, grandmother is a Matriach, being a niece of the Batswana nation that originated from NUBIA (south west present day Sudan) and great grandchild of Bahurutshe bo o Ra' Moiloa, she bestowed to her, heir to the throne. Therefore, by birthright Princess Dineo, is not just Her Royal Highness but Imperial Crown Princess-(ICP)  by ascendancy to the House of Ra (ntlo ya bogosi/badimo). Batswana Nation & Related Tribes.

This African Princess, works silently as a philanthropist to help the less privileges’ in Africa. One of her humanitarian work that caught my attention was the re-unification  of two stole children with their parents in far away Australia!

One John Aster wrote ‘’Welcome to my fb Princess Dineo Meko II, you might remember me from about 2 years ago when we helped those 2 children where the mother was ill in Africa and was in a Red Cross Camp and where the children were stolen and brought to Australia by a employee of the camp when stealing the mother's identity (passport). Long story short... the Mother was found using the Dr you had given me. The father, mother and children have been reunited. The Police here were able to setup a skype call between the mother and children to confirm it was their mother before setting up an emergency passport and visa. The idiot courts here in Australia had at one stage given custody to the person who had stolen the identity anyways let’s just say it had caused a little grief for the Magistrate. It was a happy ending which I was relieved. Stay blessed.’’

The humble princess responded ‘I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS! !!!!!     YOU JUST MADE MY DAY.  I'm so happy and grateful to God that you reached out to me for help. Please keep details of my friend the Dr and my other team confidential to protect the little child. The South African government will contact you for this story. Thanks for being a good and wise sport. I cherish you my dear friend.’

With this gesture, Princess Dineo  follows one of her quotes ‘Be willing to do some small research and provide updated feedback for whatever part you will be participating in’. What a great nice lady!

Princess Dineo, is MD - When Women Gather, Director - Heritage Initiatives, Founder- Royal Covenant Foundation and Board Member - SAN,Georgia (USA

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