
Thursday 10 September 2015


Read part 1here unedited.
‘’I met Frederick Segun Duyile aka Abdulfatha Bello in 1997 and we got married in 1998 after a short courtship, I was 22, he was 35 when we met, we courted and I moved in with him from my sister's apartment as we started preparing for our wedding. It was then I started noticing his anger problems and extreme violence. We started off with practically nothing, the house we lived in and the old Peugeot car were passed down by his junior brother, I survived even with no generator or mosquito nettings on the windows as I had to light candles in place of electricity and cope with mosquitoes but I wasn't complaining. Within a month or two, things became so good financially and a date was fixed for our traditional marriage, I noticed he never spent his evenings or nights at home and the earliest time he came home was 3:30am on regular basis. We then got a houseboy and by the time I was 4 months pregnant, he had started beating me on a regular basis for minor mistakes in the home, if a glass is broken, I got the beating of my life. He had a leather belt with which he constantly beats me and the houseboy. The beating continued throughout the pregnancy but I was so ashamed to confide in anyone, I hid the patches on my body but the abuse was known to his close friends who frequented our home and sometimes he'll even rip off my clothes while beating me in the presence of visitors.

After having my first son, the beating and violence became common knowledge to his family members and mine, and even my church members; who all insisted I had to make the marriage work by praying and fasting for him to change...I was beaten to a state of unconsciousness on a particular night when he came home and complained there was a bit of delay as I didn't open the gate soon enough for him, the abuse became so unbearable and even he phoned my mum on an occasion that if my mum needed me alive, she should come and take me away and I tried to leave on several occasions but had nowhere to go since my mum insisted I must stay there...His own mum and sister told me that he had suffered mental sickness as a result of being in Saudi Arabia prison for several years which he never told me before we got married...I always had to be awake all night waiting for his nightly return in order to open the gate and also make his food for I was forbidden the use of the microwave as he would beat me and ask if I wanted him to contract cancer through the use of the microwave, so the food must be prepared fresh even in the middle of the night...after being beaten to a state of unconsciousness on one occasion, on another occasion he attacked me in the bath and I slipped in the bathtub my right arm was dislocated from my shoulder socket, I lost my second pregnancy as a result of severe physical, mental and emotional torture.
I was being used as his secretary and I couldn't go out until I started an Engineering Programme in Unilag just to escape from the house, we had cars but I drove in fear because each time I got a scratch by a careless bus driver, I knew I'd be beaten and kicked to the ground. The cars were obviously more of value to him than I was, as I got beaten and kicked for any scratch on the cars. I drove good cars and he bought me expensive clothes and jewelleries but I was treated worse than a slave.

He constantly had quarrels with his friends and brothers and they will then make up again but one incidence I will never forget was
in December 2001, he and his brother, Kenny Duyile aka Gabriel Odugbemi had one of their usual problems and Kenny started sending mobile policemen to threaten me in the house, I was 9 months pregnant with my second son, I was so greatly disturbed as I constantly had contractions from all the disturbances, I went into hospital and had my second son on the 8th of January 2002 at the Mother&Child Hospital on Adeniyi Jones Ikeja, Lagos. I had a Caesarian section and just after coming round from aneasthesia, Segun Fred Duyile then phoned his brother Kenny Duyile who came to the hospital with a bus load of hoodlums, the hospital staff refused them entry on the grounds that it was too late in the night, I was just coming out of surgery, and they looked dangerous and were too many.
Then Kenny Duyile and his thugs started beating all staff and patients, they broke glass windows, lightings...... I was just coming out of surgery and couldnt move but I went into shock and was bleeding profusely, my new born baby was rushed away for safety together with my 3 yr old son.... Kenny Duyile's friends then attacked the matron who blocked him from gaining access to me and he bit off the matron's finger .......this facts can be checked at the Mother&Child hospital, Adeniyi Jones all happened on the night of 8th of January 2002....thank God I survived once again...
There was no explanation or apologies....their mother came four months later to tell me that because her 2 sons had a quarrel, she therefore in her Celestial church bought a brand new sword and cut a pregnant goat into two; threw one half into the bar beach and buried the other part in the ground. Therefore someone was either going to die or go and never return back; and so on the night that I had the baby when Kenny Duyile returned Tosin Duyile(her third son) to her house by 3am, claiming Tosin refused to do what he was supposed to do at the hospital where I had the baby; she collapsed upon hearing that I had the baby.

Then their sister Tale Duyile's husband Mr Ewosika came to our house crying that Kenny Duyile and their mum got him locked up by mobile police officers and within the 3days of locking him up, they had used his healthy infant son for money rituals, it was a set of twins, of which the healthy one suddenly died of unknown cause, he claimed he had to report the incidence to OPC. Also he told the story of how a previous first son by Tale Duyile was also used for rituals at the same Celestial church of their mum; Mr Ewosika also pointed out the previous case and insisted that his baby must be exhumed for him to see as he wouldn't accept why within 3 days of locking him up, how a baby will suddenly die and they wouldn't leave the corpse for him as the father to make all necessary rites....

Their mum came in February 2003 to tell me that someone was either going to die, or go and never come back, she stayed in our house for a week during which she would wake up every night chanting her celestial incantations and cursing the wife that wouldn't let her sons take care of her. She left, and then Segun Duyile travelled in February 2003 to attend his 419 fraud business in Kish Island where he was caught up by the Interpol and whisked off to Iran... I didn't hear from him and was getting worried until his friend came in to give me the bad news, I fainted and later came round but couldn't even remember anything about myself, I didn't know what would be his fate in faraway Iran, I neither slept nor ate for several days because he was incommunicado, I went from pillar to post praying for mercy....eventually we heard from him and he explained that if I could sell off some cars to raise money, he might be released. All his close friends and associates discouraged me from sending the money because they claimed there was no hope of his release and I was just going to lose the money, they advised I should keep whatever we had and take care of my sons but I said I would do anything to save the father of my children as he explained to me that the prison condition in Iran was so terrible and he wouldn't survive it... I went everywhere soliciting funds, sold my personal jewelleries, sold cars; all to have him released. Eventually he was released but failed to come home, he was in Dubai for several months.... None of his brothers or family members came to check on us or came to his assistance while he had this problem, there was just one friend of his, Mayowa Agbelusi, who was of assistance, I had no domestic help anymore, I had to take care of my 2 sons, queue up at the petrol station, be the guard at our gate, did everything all alone....Mayowa was the only one who came checking up on us and eventually I saw so much kindness in him and we got intimate, I became pregnant and I chose to have my baby because in the first instance I never had any marriage that was worth protecting... I was fed up....Segun Duyile came back to Nigeria and I left Nigeria with my 2 sons to seek asylum in Ireland. I left him in Nigeria with everything we both worked for, I left him with 4 cars and landed property and came to Ireland with only my 2 sons and a pregnancy plus my BTA......To be continued

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