
Wednesday 1 April 2020


Nigeria numero uno blogger,Linda Ikeji ,l has an inspirational message for all her fans and followers on Instagram.
She wrote;

” I’m sure if they had told us all at the beginning of this year…with all the plans we had, with all the dreams we were waiting to make come true; that three months down the line, we won’t have the freedom to move around or even interact with one another..for our own safety.. none of us would have believed it. But that’s life for you! It’s uncertain and we have to find a way to live with it.”

She continued, ” I know this period is more difficult for some more than others, but know that God is with you and you will be fine. Don’t get too overwhelmed. This too shall pass and it will pass soon. ..While we’re waiting for this difficult period to pass, let’s all use this time to zoom in on what’s good in our lives, open our eyes to what’s most important, continue to count our blessings and pray for the world. We are stronger together. ..This is the time for sober reflection, the time to show kindness, love and empathy, be our brother’s keeper..God is using this period to show us that there is only a few things we can control, the rest is up to Him. Let’s get closer to God, trust him and keep the faith. ..Stay safe and have a beautiful month of April quarantined with the ones that matter the most to you. God bless! ❤”

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