
Monday 16 March 2015


The Senate Committee on Drugs, Narcotics, Financial Crimes and Anti-corruption have summoned the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) and other relevant stakeholders to appear before it after a petition was sent to the committee alleging that the funds and properties recovered by the EFCC from Mrs Ibru were not remitted to the banks.

They (CBN, AMCON,others) are to explain what happened to the N150 billion Mrs Cecilia Ibru reportedly forfeited in assets and cash after she was convicted of fraud by a court in 2010.

The committee say they plan to throw its searchlight on the recovery of assets from other convicted Managing Directors of Intercontinental Bank Plc, Union Bank Plc, AfriBank Plc and Bank PHB.


Abdul Adewale Kekere-Ekun , who is wanted by the UK government for the murder of 18-year old Marcus Hall, 14years ago following a fight outside a night club in Luton, England, is to be extradited to United kingdom.

Justice A. R Mohammed , of the Federal High Court sitting in Maitam, Abuja on Monday March 9, 2015 ordered the extradition of Abdul Adewale Kekere-Ekun, to the United Kingdom where he is wanted for murder related offences. 

The UK Police had difficulties tracking him down because he frequently disguises himself with several aliases (Adebayo Dalvin James Ekun, Adeba Yo Kekere-Ekun, Adeba Yo Muta Lito Kekere-Ekun, James Dalvin, James Adebayo, Dave Bell, David Aaro Hall, Anthony Higgins, Lavelle Holder, Dalrin James, Dalvin James and Gary Edwin Plummer).

The suspect was arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, in Lagos on February 12, 2015 with the support of the National Crime Agency. He was picked up for identity theft related offences only for checks by the agency to reveal that he is on the wanted list of the U.K Police. Kekere-Ekun is to be extradited after fifteen days from the date of the ruling.

Sunday 15 March 2015


Tania Omotayo, one of the Wizkid girl friend, hit the beach with some of her friends and put her bikini body on display (first from the right). I hope she will not complain in future that bloggers were misrepresenting her!!! See other pic after the cut....


AbdulAziz Omeiza Aliyu, APC Governorship aspirant in Kogi state and his younger brother Salmanu Adeiza Aliyu lost their lives in a fatal road accident that happened at Jere town along Kaduna – Abuja Road yesterday March 14th.

A family spokesman, Abubakar Aliyu said the 36 year old politician was returning from Abuja to Kogi with his younger brother when the chattered vehicle they were riding in got involved in the accident. All occupants in the car died. Continue...

According to the family spokesman

“Omeiza spoke with his father around 1.30pm Saturday few minutes into the ill fated journey and barely half an hour, we received the shocking and sad news of his demise from a Samaritans from the scene of the accident. From the report we received none of passengers on the ill fated Sharon car survived and they have been given mass burial at location at Jere town”.

Speaking on his children's death, Alhaji Momohjimoh Aliyu said he has taken the incident as an act of God. ” I have accepted it as an act of God. They are from God and they have returned to Him at appointed time and on our part we have accepted it as an act of God” he said.


Maimuna Abdulmunini, a child-bride victim, was just 13 when she was arrested for burning her 35-year-old husband to death.

The legal process dragged out over five years and in 2012, when she turned 18, Abdulmunini was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. Today, despite a court ruling six months ago that the sentence is a violation of her rights, she is still on death row, waiting.

The lawyers representing Maimuna Abdulmunini are equally frustrated with the Nigerian political system. Angela Uwandu works with Avocats Sans Frontières in Abuja. Together with Jean-Sebastian Mariez, who works for the organisation from Paris, she took Abdulmunini’s case to the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) Court of Justice.

In June 2014, after granting her an injunction to prevent her being executed four months earlier, the court said the decision to sentence Abdulmunini to death for a crime committed when she was a minor was a violation of her rights. In its judgement, the court also noted a number of flaws in the original trial. The issue of her age had been ignored by both sides, while lawyers for the prosecution argued that Abdulmunini’s desire to keep her newborn baby with her while she was incarcerated was just a cynical attempt to gain sympathy.

Lacking the authority to order her release, the ECOWAS court can only urge the Nigerian government to follow its judgement. ASF’s lawyers have been lobbying to ensure this happens but so far their pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

A separate criminal appeal has been filed by Abdulmunini’s lawyer at the national level challenging the death sentence conviction by the High Court.
Abdulmunini, who Uwandu described as being “overjoyed” when she heard the regional court had decided to strike down her sentence back in June, is now dejected.
She is currently separated from her three-year-old daughter – the result of a relationship she had while out on bail – and is living in an overcrowded cell with six other inmates.

The Child Rights Act, which raises the minimum age of marriage for girls to 18, was introduced in 2003. But the legislation, which was created at a federal level, is only effective if it is passed by state governments. To date, only 24 of Nigeria’s 36 states have passed the act. The legislation is yet to be passed in either Abdulmunini or Tasiu’s home states.

It is important to note that Senator Ahmed Sani Yerima, representative for Zamfara West in northern Nigeria made headlines back in 2010 when he married a 13-year-old Egyptian girl. Three years later he persuaded his fellow Senators to defeat a motion that would have removed a constitutional loophole that means girls under the age of 18 are considered adults as soon as they get married.

A senior lawyer at the International Federation ofWomen Lawyers in Kano, Hussaina Ibrahim in her remarks said, “I am frustrated. There is a real problem with access to education in this region. The government could take steps to address this, but it is yet to do so. Better access to education could have a real impact on child marriage. It’s easy to get the sense that those in charge in the south don’t care about the people of the north. The election has been so focused on terrorism and Boko Haram that other issues are being lost,” she says.

hile Maryam Uwais, a lawyer based in northern Nigeria, who “grew up watching girls being married off all around” her, suggests that “Many of our northern politicians seem to think that taking a stand against pegging the minimum age for marriage would be synonymous with taking a stand against the Muslim faith. The religion has been misinterpreted to convey that child marriage is encouraged in Islam, whereas contextual interpretations would suggest the opposite,” she says.

“Child marriage is prevalent in many of the communities where poverty is endemic. Parents (and fathers especially) actually benefit from the dowry and extras that their daughter’s suitor contributes to the family of the girl child.”

Françoise Kpeglo Moudouthe, head of Africa engagement at Girls Not Brides, is calling on the Nigerian government to do more to tackle child marriage.
If nothing is done, it’s clear that Nigeria – and other countries where child marriage is prevalent – will continue to fall short in its efforts to improve the education, health and wellbeing of millions of its citizens.
“It’s important to remember that many parents marry off their daughter as a child because they believe it is the best and safest option for her future. The government of Nigeria must do more to empower girls and ensure their access to safe secondary schools, and other services, if parents are to see that they and their daughters have other options to child marriage.”


Samuel Sam-Sumana ( right)stands with President Ernest Bai Koroma, (centre)
Samuel Sam-Sumana, Sierra Leone’s vice-president, had requested asylum at the US embassy in Freetown after soldiers surrounded his home following his expulsion from the ruling party this month.

Sam-Sumana said on Saturday 14th March that “I have fled my house and am with my wife in a place I cannot disclose, waiting to hear from the US ambassador, whom I have asked for asylum,” Sam-Sumana told Reuters.

A source at the US embassy, who did not wish to be named, said Sam-Sumana had entered the building. It was not immediately possible to confirm that officially.


 A train guard from Thalys Railway Company has been suspended after allegedly shouting at a lesbian couple that their farewell embrace “cannot be tolerated”. He went on to tell the astonished and humiliated pair that it would have been fine for heterosexual couples to kiss.

One of the women on the receiving end of the homophobic rant, Mirjam, 35, from Amsterdam, said “Imagine it. You spent the weekend with your partner in Paris. You say goodbye on the train platform with a hug and a kiss. It’ll be a while until you see each other again. Then an angry train official strides over to stop you kissing – he says it ‘can’t be tolerated’. Humiliating,” she wrote on the All Out site. “My girlfriend and I can’t believe that a Thalys official picked on us just because we’re not a straight couple.”

Later, she told Le Nouvel Observateur magazine: “I couldn’t believe someone was telling me what I could and couldn’t do. I was also shocked because he wouldn’t stop talking, from our arrival on the platform around 8am until the train left 15 minutes later. He certainly spoiled our au revoirs.”
In 2013, Thalys launched an advertising campaign showing couples, including a same-sex couples, embracing, having been reunited by Thalys trains.
“Just like us! But in reality, they didn’t let me kiss my girlfriend on the platform. And they’re staying silent after one of their staff went on an anti-gay rant,” Mirjam wrote. “This isn’t just about this one person’s anti-gay rant, it’s about pushing the company to turn their marketing messages into action and ensure they treat everyone fairly.”

Agnès Ogier, chief executive of Thalys, said: “Let’s be quite clear: no homophobic word or gesture is tolerated by Thalys. Following the reporting of this serious incident we immediately launched an inquiry with the help of our service provider RailRest, for whom the staff member involved works.” RailRest, is a Belgium-based Thalys International partner company that provides passenger services.
Ingrid Nuelant, deputy CEO at Thalys, said staff received regular training on equality issues: “Thalys has always shown open values without any ambiguity through its publicity campaigns and in its support of pride marches … This incident profoundly affects us and from now will be used as a case history to make our agents more aware.”

Guillaume Bonnet of All Out France told Libération: “The object of this campaign is to say to this company that they can’t run a very gay-friendly marketing campaign and at the same time offer a service that does not treat all customers in the same way. Mobilising people is important to combat everyday homophobia.”

Photo Credit: Photograph: Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP/Getty Images