
Sunday 21 May 2017


According to Sir George who shared the news on Instagram he wrote;
'What a cruel world. This week Tuesday, between the hours of 8 to 9 am. I saw crowd of people around my vicinity gathered this little boy, so I stopped by and inquired what happened. They told me this little boy on his way to school, stole doughnut from a shop. The people whom he stole the doughnut even gave him more of it and mineral and asked him to go. '

They all claimed that his father and step-mum have the habit of starving and beating him to stupor on daily basis. I saw so many scars on his body.I took the boy to my house, interviewed him, and he told me so many things. How he has been suffering since his mother left his father.

 I gave him some biscuits, asked him to come and eat at my place anytime and promised to see his father this week before he left for school just to wake up this morning with shouting that his father has beaten him to death. His father has finally killed him. This happened in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.


Popular Nollywood actor,  Olaniyi Afonja a.k.a Sanyeri, talked about his wife of 10 years and how they met.

Sanyeri said: " I met her in 2004 when I want to screen my movie, Okan Emi, at the National Theatre in Iganmu, Lagos.

She came there to have a good time. I sighted her and her friend from afar. I walked up to her friend and told her I liked her friend but she said I should tell her myself. So I went to her and told her I would want us to get closer but she replied that was it because I just shot a movie that made me think I could ask her out.

Afterwards, she walked away. After that day, I saw her about a month later and I requested for her number. Even then, it took me a while to convince her to date me." On his most memorable moment with her, he said: "I always remember those times that we didn’t have much and she stuck by me.

When my wife gave birth to our first child, I had just N3, 500 with me, so it was quite tough. That’s why I always say that there is nothing I cannot give my wife. As of the time she married me, the only property I had was my tribal mark."

While advising young couples, he said: "We could not have a wedding anniversary celebration until six years after we had been living together as husband and wife. And what I’m trying to say is that my wife stayed with me, right from when there was nothing.

My advice for young girls is that they should not discard suitors, just because the person is not rich. So far the person has potential and focus, take the risk and stick with him. There are some people who started off as rich but became poor over time. Nothing lasts forever."

..... an interview with Punch,


Adunoluwa, 20, daughter of late Nollywood actress, Moji Oaliya has described her mother’s death as the worst news in her life.

Speaking with newsmen on Saturday at her family house in Lagos, the bereaved young lady said on the fateful day that her mum passed on, she spoke with her over the phone and both of them had a good time, DAILY POST reports.

She recalled with nostalgia, “This is the worst kind of news anyone can hear. I spoke with her on the day she died and nothing prepared me for this bad news. We had a good time over the phone and she told me how my sister was doing and all. I will miss her love and care, because she always provided anything I wanted.”

On how the funeral rites would be handled, Adun simply said, “I don’t know at this point. It is the family that will take care of that.”


According to Badero-Olusola Oluwaseyi Maiyegun-General who shared the story on Facebook he wrote;
'This 10 year boy suspected to have been kidnapped and dropped in Odogbolu today said he's from Itele and his name is Dada.
According to the information, he's been taken to the police station but was allegedly rejected and the samaritans were told to return him to wherever they found him.
If this boy looks in anyway familiar to you or you know what can be done to reunite him with his family in Itele, please visit Idera Mosque, Isale Oja Odogbolu. That is where he's currently being kept and tended to. Please share!

Saturday 20 May 2017


 Barely two weeks after he separated from his wife and was accused of beating his wife, Lanre Gentry, Mercy Aigbe's estranged husband, is already showing off his new love, Temi.
He dropped a photo of him and the alleged lover and wrote 'Temi my new love'


 At the Magodo residence of Nollywood actress, Moji Olaiya,her elder brother Otunba Olaiya who spoke to NET said the Moji’s death was most unexpected. ‘When I spoke to her a few days ago, she did not give signs of death. She never complained about anything. This is really heartbreaking’, he said.

Olaiya’s housekeeper Mrs Keji, who described herself as a very close friend of the deceased revealed details of the actress’s sudden death to us.

According to her, in the last three days before she passed away; the actress had placed several calls from her base in Canada to complain of ‘being uncomfortable’.

‘Her baby was born premature- her EDD was for May 2017 but  complications arose that necessitated that she be induced to save the baby’s life as well as hers. But since the delivery in March, her health had not been exactly perfect’.

Mrs Keji further exclusively informed us that around 10pm local time (3am Nigerian time) she went into a crisis. ‘Her blood pressure shot up and she got unconscious. An ambulance was called to transport her to the hospital. But her case worsened and she gave up the ghost before they could make it to the hospital.’

Keji who could not hold back tears continued, ‘Moji could not say goodbye to us, she didn’t let us hold her baby, where will her mother start from? Her death came too early, I believe this was not ordinary. This looks like a spiritual attack.’

 Her 20- year old daughter, Adunola was visibly hysterical and had to be held back by friends who were around to console her. The Babcock University student was then taken into an inner room as her screams continued to be heard.

Moji Olaiya’s infant daughter however is said to be in care of her friend with whom she was staying in Canada. It is unsure what will happen to the two month old. Olaiya’s relationship with the father of the child, simply called ‘Mr Femi’ is hazy as there as insinuations that he is still married to someone else.

The 42 year old’s death almost exactly two years to the death of her younger brother Abidemi Olaiya who died on May 4 2015.

Her elder brother Otunba, however told us that the family had not informed their patriarch, renowned highlife muscian Dr Victor Olaiya.

‘As you know, Baba is old and it is never a good thing for children to die before their parents. We do not know how he will take it. We have to be really careful, but we are going to his Aguda residence later this evening,’ he said. (NET)


President Muhammadu Buhari's media aide, Femi Adesina, has written a lengthy article he titled  "They Learnt Nothing and Forgot Nothing", slamming those who peddle President Buhari's death rumour.  Here's what the Senior Special Assistant to President Buhari on Media and Publicity wrote;

"They showed their pernicious hands again last Sunday, and have been on the prowl since then, roaring like a lion, seeking who to devour.
Purveyors of death they are, and they have killed President Muhammadu Buhari many times over, cloned the websites of international media houses to announce the hoax, but their wishes did not become horses, so they remain stranded, with nothing to ride.

Between January 19, this year, when the President first proceeded on vacation, and March 10, when he returned, they had announced his demise many times. They even created apocryphal images and footages to back up their inhuman claims, but God showed them He was the ultimate. The Real Deal, the Special One. President Buhari came back alive, and disclosed that he would still return to London at a later date for medical follow-up. He eventually left on the night of Sunday, May 7.

They saw the Deux ex machina, the Invisible Hands of God, between January and March, but they are so steeped and marooned in unbelief, evil wishes and malediction, that they have started all over again. Last Sunday, they cloned popular websites for the umpteenth time, using them to announce the figment of their diseased imagination. They learnt nothing, and forgot nothing from the immediate past experience. And you begin to ask yourself, just as the Good Book also asked:"Why do the heathens rage, and the people imagine vain things?" Why do they arrogate to themselves the power that belongs only to God? "I can kill, and I can make alive," says God in His word. But these purveyors of hate possibly don't know God. That is why they declare a man dead, when God has not said so. Once has God spoken, and twice have I heard it, that power belongs to God.

Millions upon millions of Nigerians love President Muhammadu Buhari. They love his simplicity, his forthrightness, incorruptibility, love of country, and many other virtues. And they are praying. Bombarding Heaven with petitions. Baba o, Baba o, Baba o. Olorun da Baba si fun wa, Baba o, Baba o, Baba o. Olorun da Baba si fun wa. Oh God, spare our Baba, the father of the country. Spare him for us, O Lord we pray. And Heaven is listening to the supplications. We await the full manifestation.

Millions of us can follow Baba blindfolded into battle. We love him that much, and it is within our rights. But have you seen a man ever loved by everybody? Show me. Even if you feed an entire city daily, some people still won't like your guts. So, those who are not Buharists have a right to their convictions. But must any human being be hateful to the point of wishing another person dead, and indeed broadcasting a death that never happened? Shame. Shame upon evil wishers, purveyors of lies and wickedness. Do they have blood running in their veins at all? Do they realize that wishing another person dead, is sin before God? Yet they go to churches, mosques, and other worship houses. Who are they worshiping? The Unknown God.

Why do some people, a tiny but vocal minority, wish the President dead? Do they know that if God wills, the man they wish dead could outlive them by many years? There was a lady who was very active on social media in 2015, before the presidential election of that year. She was in the league of anti-Buhari elements. Oh, he was too old. Oh, he was sickly.

Yes, he would soon die. The lady was rabidly pontifical in her convictions, parading herself as someone with a charmed life, who would live forever. And then, it happened! Sometime last year, she died! When I saw the news online, I just shook my head, and prayed for the repose of her soul. I did not gloat. No need to. Not in her wildest imagination could she have thought that she would pre-decease President Buhari. But who has the final say? Jehovah has the final say. The breath of man is in his nostrils, and God can decide to extinguish his candle at anytime. Jehovah has the final say. It is not by age, not by how healthy you seem, or how sickly you are. It's a lesson some people have not learnt. They learn nothing, and forget nothing.

Back to the earlier question. Why do some people want their own President dead? Why do they want the eclipse of a man who is actuated by nothing other than love for his country? Why have they constituted themselves into enemies of national progress, haters of all that is good? Why do they prefer the dark jungle of infamy to the light of a clear and bright day, signposted by freedom from rapacity and lootocracy? Who then are these enemies?

"Our enemies are the political profiteers, the swindlers, the men in high and low places that seek bribes and demand 10 percent, those that seek to keep the country divided permanently so that they can remain in office as Ministers or VIPs at least, the tribalists, the nepotists, those that make the country look big for nothing before international circles, those that have corrupted our society and put the Nigerian political calendar back by their words and deeds."
Those were the words of Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu, after the country's first military coup in 1966. You may like Nzeogwu, or you may not, depending on how you view his actions and inactions. But you can hardly deny the veracity of what he said. And 51 years later, the words still ring true.

The enemies of Buhari are the political profiteers. To them, political office is not about service, but about making profit. Ordinary people can go to hell, and stay there. Personal profit is the name of the game
The swindlers, too. Enemies of righteousness and transparency. They swindle man, and even try to swindle God. Of course, they wouldn't want a new sheriff in town. They'd rather shoot him, and sing the reggae song:"I shot the sheriff..."

Those that seek bribe and demand 10 percent. Enemies. Only that they are not satiated by 10 percent again. They take the entire 100 percent, and leave the country prostrate. But when a Daniel comes to judgment, and hurls them before the law, knowing neither friend nor foe, they wish that he dies. Gerrout, so that business as usual continues, they shout.
Those that seek to keep the country divided permanently. Evil souls. They use all the fault lines. Religion. Ethnicity. Language. Everything. We saw it all in the 2015 elections. They cashed in on all things that divide us as a people. But Nigerians were resolute for change, and they got it. But did those people give up? Did Pharaoh desist from pursuing the people of Israel? Hell, no! Till he ended in a watery grave. The stubborn fly follows the corpse into the grave.

For the greater part of this year, President Buhari has been away from home. But whether present or absent, he still looms large. The mere fact that his shadow hovers over the land riles evil workers to no end. But what can anybody do? Jehovah has the final say.
The old order is giving way for a new one in Nigeria. In just two years, the back of insurgency has been broken, corruption is taking a shellacking, and the comatose economy is turning round. Despite it all, some people still wish the President dead. Sad and sorry. But thankfully, they don't have the final say.

However, if they refuse to repent, we can repent on their behalf, lest judgment comes speedily on them. How dreadful it would be.
Lord, we are sorry,
We've turned around and gone astray,
Your trust for us we have betrayed,
Your power we don't recognize
Your Lordship we have all despised,
We cannot pretend
We all now repent
Forgive us Lord we pray
Bring down your glory...
May God bless Panam Percy Paul, who sang the song. May God accept our repentance on behalf of evil wishers. May God spare our President, and restore him to full health.
Baba o, Baba o, Baba o, Oluwa da Baba si fun wa.
Lord, please spare our President. Spare him for us, to the glory of your name. Let those who learn nothing, and forget nothing, be purged of all evil. Let them turn new leaf.
Amen somebody!

.Adesina is Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari"