
Tuesday, 23 July 2013


When i posted an article on this my blog some days ago on ''Nigerian Senators Backed under Age Marriage'',it generates a lot of comments from the public.
Especially when the ex-governor now a Senator quoted saying''“The constitution says the National Assembly shall legislate on marriage except those under Islamic rites,” and  “Islam says once a woman is married, she is of age.”
How ever, these are some of the re-actions of Nigerian unedited

Dayo Olokodana This is absolute rubbish. How could these so called elected senators take their eyes off the ball? It is a way of rubbishing Islam to just say ' once a woman is married, she is of age'. What year or age is that marriage allowed? In the Western part of Nigeria, you will never see Muslim cousins getting married to each other. The North will do this quoting the same book that Muslims in the West believe in. Why is such a difference? The Northern Muslims will accept what could be called pedophilia while those in the West will let a girl enjoy childhood and become an adult before considering her marriage material.

Pa Musa I have been a muslim all my life but have never seen anywhere written in the Quran or Hadith that once married, a woman is of age. What is discussed is Sunnah - the example of the Prophet, and yes, he had only one wife who was a virgin, Aisha, daughter of Abubacar, but the marriage was not consumated until she came of age, we are talking circa 700AD, and it was the norm then children were promised or bethrothed very young, including in Europe and marriages were arranged. Even to this day in the US and UK, children under age can be married with parental consent. In most African societies, still, in the rural areas, women marry young. Having said that, we are now facing a dual challenge, from the Saudi wahabi inspired bought and paid for Muslimists, intent on spreading the narrow wahabite version of Islam with its marked Arab cultural practices and treatment of women at total odds with the African culture and Islam we knew, know and practise on one hand, and an equally psuedo Western Christian group bent on using modern Western standards to decry and insult anything not eurocentric. I wonder how this group will react to gay marriage. The fact is as Africans, we have been very open and tolerant when it comes to sex, sexuality and even religion but more and more we are adopting in addition to our non indigene religions the cultural biases and tolerances and that we do not need. Just my views. Peace, Salam, Shalom

Vickie Owodunni Pa Musa, underage children can be married in the US? Not true my brother. If anyone does that here he'll end up in jail. Even the Mormon guy that did it here is spending the rest of hs life in prison. No sir!! But if I'm mistaken, please point me to a place where such is allowed besides some Mormons; and what part of the Americn constitution says that. I will really like to be enlightened abou this.

Olutoyin Ogundipe Do you care about the health implication on this teenagers during pregnancy and delivery

Tessie O. Shokunbi women of virtue! please, rise up to defend the cause of the feminine gender, fathers and grandfathers now take up these girls in order to satisfy there sexual urges, could a 9yr old boy think of marrying a 9yr old girl? it is a pity that such calous act is happening around us. GOD HAVE MERCY.

Kehinde Nubi As far as I am concerned, they are pedophiles, pure and simple. It is so easy to back up their perversion with what a 'Holy Book' says. They pick and choose what to obey from the holy books otherwise the world would not have been in this mess. Bloody sexual perverts.

Omoba Toba Omidele III Kehinde Nubi i really love your submission, this devilish people just pick and choose whatever sooth them in the holly book ...hence how can a right thinking person marry a 13-year old small girl and be claiming that it is moral...all these people are just using these children like a toy to satisfy their useless urge the even care about the health implication of these children?...Only God can help us in the hand of these our devilish ''SELECTED''(do you say ELECTED)...Senators.

Yomi Salu Pa Musa, these pedophiles are talking about 10 year olds. It is not a clash between tradition, culture and modernity. It is child abuse and rape. Why are 10 year old boys are not being in marriage to 45 year old women?

Adékúnlé Al Muftau Adéǐ I am a Muslim, and I believe i know well both the Quran and the Sunnah. but this law is crazy. There are 4 elements needed for a marriage to be legal Islamically, 1 consent of parties, 2 love, 3. witness and 4 Dowry. If Nigerian constitution says anyone under 18 is a minor, how can they now give consent to be married. The prophet said in one of his Hadiths " move as the world moves", this is 2013 for God's sake, why would a full grown man want to marry a 12 year old if he's not insane? I have a daughter and i do not know that crazy person that will come and ask for her hand in marriage at 12. Let us be objective, even as Muslims, we should know that many things that happened 1500 years ago do no fit into the society of today, and if anyone thinks am wrong in this assertion, challenge me and I will give u 3 instances of of practices that were observed during the time of the Prophet but is not applicable anymore. Ma salam!

Bunmi Elegbeleye Actually I tried not to join this discussion but I felt drawn to it by what I almost suffered at the hands of one hausa and muslim man in Kaduna. I came from Ijebu their is no family in Ijebu that you will not have a muslim relative and we live in peace with each other I even spend some time in a muslim school I can say their prayers very well including quranic verses but what annoyed me most is the way some of the muslim treat women is so humilating. I went to Kaduna with my husband and one of my son we lodged in an hotel we checked in and settled down but they did not give us soap so my husband asked me to go back to the receptionist and asked for the soap luckily enough my son who was then 12yrs followed me I got to the receptionist a muslim man and I was asking him for the soap instead of giving me the soap he started cursing in hausa and swearing in islamic language calling me a prostitute I was showing him our reciept and explaining to him that we need soap before I finish talking he brought out a dagger that a woman is not fit to talk to him I should ask my husband to come. Thank God for my son who stood in between the two of us and started shouting for help and calling my husband. My husband and sevral people who heard the shouting came around. We were so annoyed that we left that hotel and looked for another one. Since I moved down to Abuja I have always been careful where muslims are concerned Some muslim are good but some don't respect women. We heard stories of women,girls and boys being raped,even the case of Yerima I want to believe it comes out of ones character not religion.We hear stories of rape from christian men too but nevertheless women should be treated with respect and not as slaves. Marrying an under age girl is wrong those girls are still young they have no experience and they don't think of the health hazard of such girls during child birth. At times I wonder if we have any human right activist in this country. What are the female members of the house looking at before they passed such bill.

Adékúnlé Al Muftau Adéǐ I for one will not marry out my daughter at a tender age, anyone that wants to do that, that is his problem! Pa Musa @Bunmi Elegbeleye, Dear Madame, I am so sorry to hear about your bad experience. The idiot's behavior is neither Islamic nor African but rude, disgusting and ignorant. Islam teaches that even where one feels the other person is improperly attired, one should avert one's gaze but engage in rude and demeaning behaviour is totally unacceptable, and even illegal. Beside if the person had such strong feelings, why is he working in that establishment, you should reported his behavior and he should have been fired. It is his right to be a mallam but not his right to impose his views on people especially in a public establishment. It is Ramadan and I have taken time to spend it with my kids and I was having this conversation with my teenage son, Mohammed, living in Britain, and I told him I have not come across any hadith or evidence of the Prophet being rude or hitting people for their dress or conduct and therefore religious police is not sunnah but innovation by the State. One hadith I know speaks of Asma, a daughter of Abubacar, the Prophet's Companion and younger sister to Aisha, his youngest wife, and it was reported that the Prophet was praying and Asma, enterred wearing light see through clothes and the Prophet averted his gaze, and after he reportedly said to Aisha to tell Asma to wear clothes that covered her body, and that once girls reached puberty, they should cover their body. No histrionics, no denounciations. It was the same with Jesus, whose compassion for the fallen and sinners is divine and inspiring. Compare Jesus' example to the intolerance and hate of some so called Christians, and it is the same with some so called Muslims. Most of their attitudes are cultural not religion and it is their ignorance mostly and ignobility other times. May God Bless you and your family and salam, Shalom Aleichem. Peace be unto you. Your brother, Musa.

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