
Sunday 18 August 2013


Nigeria is a country at a cross road !!! And until something drastic is put in place we are all sitting on a keg of gun-powder. In a country that majority of its youth are unemployed, lot of able body men were just roaming about the streets, while all are young girls and house wives are now turns into professional prostitute in the name of ‘’to just eat and cloth’’, the people who call themselves the leaders of the country should and must have a rethink.

Of recent,the chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Anti-Corruption, Values and Ethics, Honourable James Faleke, disclosed “On the aviation contracts that we are probing, we went to the Corporate Affairs Commission and found out that most of the companies handling the contracts awarded are ministers’. Even if that is the only thing we would achieve in this House, we will expose everybody involved in this aviation corruption.”, she also went further to say that a particular contract was “to provide new security strategy for airports at the cost of N9.4 billion and they have paid N6.247 billion to this contractor. This is just one out of about 100 cases. The issue is this; what is new security strategy? When they say aviation is working, the issue is; at what cost? And then, a contractor that is asked to renovate Enugu Airport is the same that is asked to renovate Port Harcourt and Kano airports. And these are contractors without pedigree.”

Now, with this allegations, some serving ministers that were collecting huge salaries with a lot of allowance and they still corner all the contracts that are meant for private sectors , how then are we not going to have inflated contracts!!! Or our legislators that are receiving an outrageous salaries in the world with millions of Niara benefits but will not approve any contracts unless they get their share up-front ....all this were applicable in all the federal government parastatals.

With all these mal-practices at the top level , how then will the youth of the country will not engaged themselves in stealing, armed robbery, kidnapping, advance fee fraud, prostitution, fraud,trafficking of drugs etc, because the system have let them down and failed them.

If anyone goes to Abuja all the houses there either belong to a civil servant or a serving legislators...nothing is now left for the poor man on the street.
Honorable James Folake also cited the case of EFCC over the seizure of offenders’property
‘’All Nigerians know that so many corrupt officials have been tried and properties seized, either by the courts or by the EFCC and as of today, we are unable to account for these properties and the money so seized. The question is if a fraudulent person is arrested and tried and found guilty and he paid back the sum, where is this money going to? Has it gone to the federation account? These are the issues. Who is holding them? Before you know it, it changes hands and goes to the wrong hands and you just discover that you have not won any battle at all’’ with this un-accountability how then can you measure success of this anti-graft? Is is a case of (‘’Ole gbe, Ole gba’’) armed robbers stole it, thief collect it!!!

The youth of Nigeria must think and hold their destiny in their hands, we must not all these rouges use you as a tool for their political gains......majority of this rouges leaders constituting 8 percent of the population have been milking the country dry since they were in their 20s....and at 70s they still fill they are relevant......then we need to ask ourselves when then are we going to enjoy the benefit of this so called democracy?

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