
Wednesday 28 August 2013


Aisha Haruna , a 20 year old girl, of Uke in Nasarawa State on Tuesday at a Grade 1 Area Court in Mararaba, Nasarawa State, maintained her divorce request on the ground that her parents gave her out in marriage at the age of 13 without her consent.

At the resumption of hearing, that was earlier heard on May 29,Aisha told the court that she and her husband could not resolve the matter after the last adjourned date on Aug. 19.
The husband, Hussaini Harura ,27,who spoke through his counsel, Nuru Mua’zu, demanded Islamic procedure of divorce.
“This is an Islamic matter and there are procedures to follow before a wife is granted her wish for divorce.
“One of the procedures is that the woman has to pay what is known as ‘Kuli’.
“Kuli means, paying back some of the expenses the husband made in the course of marrying the wife.
“Though I don’t have the document here, but the total expenses is around N300,000,” Mua’zu said.
However,the presiding judge, Mr Musa Danjuma, granted the counsel’s application for adjournment to enable him bring the document containing the list of expenses and adjourned the case to Sept. 2 for continuation of hearing.
Aisha told the court that ’’i stayed in the marriage for seven years, adding that she had lost interest in the marriage on the ground that she was a child at that time the marriage was contracted.’’

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