
Wednesday 18 September 2013


‘’I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and i have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief, such wealth i have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber  that i do not think we would ever conquer this country unless we break the very background of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore, i propose that we replace her old and ancient education system ,her culture, for ,if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them , a truly dominated nation’’.....Lord Macaulay’s Address to the British Parliament, on the 2nd February,1835

Above was part of the statements delivered by Lord Macaulay to the British house of Parliament on the 2nd February 1835. I am so happy to read this excerpt .been happy for the fact that no matter how long it is, truth will always emerged ,happy also because it is now glaring that our colonial master have committed a crime against humanity by ‘breaking the very background of’ our nations, not only India, but all African countries which are our SPIRITUAL and CULTURAL heritages.
I remembered vividly in 1976 during my baptism, when my parents gave me a name JOSEPH...I asked my father why Joseph again? As i was already been used OLUWATOBILOBA , the name i really love and known to all my friends . My father said, that is how they do it, once you are baptized  they gave you biblical name. I said is that all? He said yes. Right in his presence i refused that name till today.

Of recent, i saw  lot of beautiful names on facebook, that have been change to look foreign or English,names like AYODELE changed to HARYORDAYLAY;DAMOLOLA to DHAMYLORLAR;OLAMIDE to HORLAHMYDEY..this is a colonial mentality , part of Lord Macaulay’s’ idea of ’all that is foreign and English is good’.

I visited some of my friends home as part of this write-up to see things from a familiars terrain ....what i saw are just too bad, majority of the middle class African families cannot speak their own native language!!! Everybody speaks also guilty of this because i thought the more you speak English the better until i come across this damaging Lord Macaulay’s’ address. They called our language VERNACULAR..that is our language is inferior to English language !!! What an insult. I summed it up to them that no matter their phonetic, even better than Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Wole Omotosho combined together, they still remain an African descendant and a British subjects a ‘truly dominated’ people.

The British people protect, nurture  guard and guide their own cultures and traditions to this very day. They have monarchy, Lodge, Aristocrat.etc. They revered their system a lot, respect the monarchy more than God...protect the succession to the throne etc. but   destroy all the monarchies in Africa.

Britons have lodges as part of their system, these are there aristocrats’, but our own Ogboni, Osugbo,Pyrate, Airlords were seen as a cult, a situation of calling a dog a bad name in order to hang him.

Our marriage system are bastardise, they will tell you ‘one man. One wife’ but this are the same people that have ‘mistress’,’ girlfriends’, ‘escorts’ ‘personal assistants’ all over the place, all in the name of packaging.

Nowadays, our moral values have been thrown to dog, if you see the mode-line of today, majority of our ladies are now dressing like prostitutes on the road. Sex and sexual talk in Africa is seen and treated as sacred but in order to make us’ loose our self-esteem’, a program was created called Big Brother Africa (BBA), where our future leaders are now performing rubbish on live television.

African have the best of system of government before the arrival of the British, However, when the British came, they destroy our culture, barred and banished the real King and appointed their own puppets kings to the throne, that is the genesis of African problems till today.

In1885.The British colonial regime deported The King Jaja of Opobo a very successful and revered King in Africa to remote island in West Indies and died there in 1889; his offence then was that he challenged the colonial authority who want to control the trading activities in his domain.

Still on culture and tradition, all over Europe they celebrate Halloweens...and Halloween is a witch-craft festival, then what offence do i commit  if i participate in Egungun, Oro,Gelede, Ebibi,in my village? African wake-up..

In conclusion, i thank my parents and all my teachers that impacts knowledge on me, that i am able to read and write in English, i also appreciate all form of laws that allow us to have access to some classified document...this is an eyes opener...

Lastly British need to pay compensation to all their former colonies because they have committed an offence of a life time. 

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