
Saturday 26 October 2013


Pretty Felicity Okolo, who define domestic violence as any incident or threatening behaviour of violence; physical, mental/psychological, sexual, emotional or financial from one adult towards another who are or have been intimate partners or are family members regardless of gender or sexuality, is an author, and the President of the Nigeria Women’s Aid (NWAID) United Kingdom and Ireland, is one of United Kingdom’s leading experts in domestic violence eradication.
 She said that fact and truth drove her into championing the cause of women domestic violence against women and girls .She added that this violence has been going on for as long as humans have been alive and it shows no sign of stopping without the right education. ‘’So also is brute or force whenever required. In the United Kingdom, statistics show that 1 in 4 women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetime, while that of men is 1 in 6. In Nigeria, statistics shows that  one out of three women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetime. I’m not certain about the male statistics at the moment. As a female survivor of domestic violence, it was a natural process to champion the cause of women. I’m yet to turn away any male victim or survivor wanting my help and I don’t foresee it in the near future. I also educate both male and female on preventing, coping and overcoming domestic violence.’’
While responding to what hinders women from reporting domestic violation, Okolo said: ‘’A lot of factors hinder women from reporting domestic violence. The three major ones are: money/finance, knowledge on relationship and value system. Most people do not know what constitutes a healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationship. Even for those who know, the other two majors hold them back. Cultural, religious and societal beliefs and values keep women in abusive relationships too. These women are worried about the ‘stigma’ of reporting spouses or living on themselves alone.’’
Felicity Okolo advocate for a life coach, and she said that ‘anyone who really wants to excel in life, be extra ordinary or highly successful needs a coach. A life coach is there to support the client or coachee through the process of achieving a specific personal or professional result or goal. The structure and methods of coaching are numerous but mainly the coach challenges the coachee, questions them and cheers them along their journey towards their goal. ‘’
Okolo lashes on women who  view abusive spouses as the will of God that they’’ lacks the right knowledge about God and on what a healthy relationship is. I’ll be worried to learn about what kind of God they serve. For me, I say that any religion or culture that approves of human suffering should be reviewed or scrapped. Education is crucial and urgently needed here.’’
‘’The choice of violence, other ways of dealing with the issue or walking away determines the strength of that person’s character. Domestic violence is about power and control. It must not be tolerated or excused.’’ She said.
Source: Tribune ng

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