
Monday 4 November 2013


Nigerian people, especially those who suppose to know better are the one who exhibits character of lies and deceits. I read an article written by Harold Sonibare,a public commentator who wrote from Kano ; in which he dressed Stella Oduah ordeal as a witch-hunting by the untouchable in the Aviation sector.

He wrote: ‘Under Stella’s watch, there are have been remodeling of 19 airports and reconstruction of control towers, runways resurfacing and installation of new weather systems, with the activation of the Aerotropolis in the waiting for the use of Nigerians. Expectedly, there must be a fight back by the untouchables have waged a vindictive war against the Minister. Her efforts appear to have angered the self-loving group but  Stella Oduah, does not seem worried by the ploys of this aggrieved cabal to scuttle her developmental agenda for the Aviation sector. The pace at which she recreates most of the facilities in the aviation sector which have almost become artifacts signals her firm believe in the pronouncement of posterity and divine reward for change agents.’’

Harold Sonibare went further to say that........‘’ she aggressively designated Perishable Agro-Cargo Terminals in Jos, Yola, Asaba, Enugu, Akure, Makurdi and Lagos. The spread of these terminals will continue to Akure, Bauchi, Ibadan,Jalingo, Kano and Owerri.
Stella Oduah is resolute in her resolve to transform the aviation sector in Nigeria. Notwithstanding the clogs on her path to achieving the highlighted agenda, Stella had bent-backwards and surpassed herself in driving the developmental initiatives which sap as much energy as brain. In the pipeline are schemes that would support the establishment of free trade and export processing zones at the four major airports in Nigeria namely Lagos, Abuja, Port-Harcourt and Kano’’.

Let us agree that Madam ‘Untouchable’ Stella Oduah, the princess of aviation did all what Mr.Harold enumerated above, did that now gave her the authority to spend public fund anyhow?

What we are saying here is not the transformation of Aviation sector which is her priority in the instance; but what we Nigerian are clamouring for are the corruption and embezzlements perpetrated by this (dis)honourable Minister.

It was revealed that the total budget approved by the National Assembly for NCAA’s vehicles this year is N240m and this was meant for 25 vehicles, excluding the two bulletproof cars. But the agency bought 54 vehicles for N643.1m under   “Leased Financing” entered into with the First Bank Plc, excluding he controversial N255m bulletproof cars, after side-tracked the National Assembly to seek the approval of the Ministry of Aviation to purchase the bulletproof cars @ the cost of N70m  each, which they later opted to pay N127.5m for each car, totalling N255m for the two.This brought the “extra-budgetary” expenditure of the NCAA on vehicles this year to N643.1m.

Moreover, the investigative hearing conducted by the House of Representatives’ Committee on Aviation can be describe as ‘Mago-Mago’ Committee or a ‘kangaroo Committee’ and it leaves a lot of unasked and unanswered questions!

The questions below could perhaps have helped throw more light on the controversy.
1. How could a financing deal to the tune of N643 million between a profit-driven bank and a government agency be “mere understanding and not an obligation” as the minister claimed, requiring any party to walk off at any time, when the bank had already provided funding. More so since First Bank in its earlier presentation had insisted the financing was a loan.
2. The minister said the repayment by NCAA to First Bank stretches through three years under the Medium Term Expenditure Framework; and the obligation for 2013 is N100 million, with N16 million carried forward( since monthly repayment is N23 million). At the purported N100 million for this year, the minister insisted she was within her right approving the contract without recourse to FEC.
But total servicing for three years amounts to N828 million. Given that 2013 has only taken care of N100 million, how will the balance N728 million car spending be addressed in two years? Will that not amount to forcing the National Assembly, for instance, to appropriate an average of N364 million yearly, for a car project that should go before the FEC, but which had already been approved by the minister?
3. And since the National Assembly appropriated N240 million for cars this year, no lawmaker asked the minister whether the NCAA will return the balance of N140 million since it will spend only N100 million for 2013.
4. Given that the NCAA had earlier advanced some of the arguments by the minister (except the “do the needful” argument), why did the House committee reject that same claim only to agree with the minister.
5. Why was the minister’s rebuttal about her name not being on the documents for the car not challenged since that claim only compares to expecting a receipt or invoice when a bribe is paid.
6. Why did the Reps ignore the claim by the minister that luxury armoured cars could be categorized under “security and safety vehicles” listed in the budget for use as inspection cars, for monitoring perimeter fence.
7. Why should the minister refuse to take responsibility of a breach in her ministry when she is the head?
8. Why did the minister fail to compel the NCAA to advertise the procurement of the cars as required by the Public Procurement Act? Why was it necessary to do selective tendering in that case?
9. The NCAA head, Fola Akinkuotu, clearly said the cars were for the minister and visiting foreign dignitaries. So, why did the minister tried to say she had nothing to do with the cars?
10. The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria confessed buying two armoured cars to the minister. Why does Mrs Oduah has a fetish for armoured cars?
In my candid opinion, Stella Oduah, must be relieved of her job in order to give sanity to this industry. 

This lady is just a business-woman who lacks technical know-how about the aviation sector, and no amount of public relations that can boost her rating in the mind of us Nigerian.

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