
Sunday 1 December 2013


Omotola is my baby sister, bellow was her testimony about the goodness of the Lord in the life of her husband. I blogged her write-up unedited. Enjoy it:

1st of December, 2013! hmm...this time last year I was in India. When you hear this, I'm sure your first thoughts will be...enjoyment, fun, holiday.

Quite the was more like hospitals, tests and husband was diagnosed with Cancer of the lymph nodes in December 2011/January 2012. We had gone up and down in Nigeria for almost a year and when the situation continued to deteriorate, we were forced to leave behind our home and daughter to seek solutions in a foreign land.

So while others prepared for a joyful Christmas, I didn't know whether or not I would be telling my daughter that her daddy was no more. He had even earlier told me to prepare myself for it as he would write a letter handing over the business we jointly run to me and permitting me to remarry as soon I wanted...God forbid!

The doctors tried, they really did, as India has one of the best medical services in the world, and in March 2013, having gone through rounds of painful chemotherapy, we were told he was in remission (the cancer had been controlled, all the lumps gone) and we could go home, which we joyfully did, glad to be reunited with our daughter again. Glad that we didn't have to live with the huge financial burden that the regular treatments and travel required of us.

Oh, but this joy was short the end of May he began to complain of serious back pains. On my birthday, 8th of June, I watched him endure fierce spasms and pain attacks all through the birthday gift was that he lived through the night.

We had to go back to India immediately. We dropped everything again and departed. By this time, my husband was on a wheel chair and I was truly worried the airline wouldn't let us fly because of the pain attacks which left him shouting in pain. My husband is a very strong man who hates pity of any kind...for him to shout, it must be a truly terrible level of pain.

We got to India, the doctors put him on Morphine (a heavy duty pain management drug that could become as addictive as cocaine) and started their series of tests. They saw a new, very large mass at the base of his spinal cord which was the cause of the pain and inability to walk. They said they needed to start another cancer treatment - radiotherapy - immediately. They gave us no assurances this time. It was a known medical fact that if cancer relapsed so quickly after remission, the possibility of survival was very low.

Then God took over. We were reminded that only God can truly heal. God sent His Word on divine health to us via true men of God. We prayed, we held on to his Word, we waited on Him with tears and in faith...and He began to answer...

We returned to the hospital and the first miracle occurred - they couldn't find any cancer cells in the mass! No cancer cells? How? They told us to go and come back in a few days. We went back praying - more shock - this time they couldn't even find the mass itself again. The very large mass that was visible in the tests, that we could see clearly in the scans, had disappeared! The doctors kept coming out of the theatre to ask me for the different results of the different scans to compare...they couldn't find the mass!

To cut a very long story short, God had worked an amazing miracle and I stand to testify. Step by step he began to regain his strength and started to walk again. The doctors still had no answers for us on what had happened, but we knew God had in His mercies answered our prayers.

They told us to go home again...and we've been home ever since July 2013.

So here I am on the 1st of December, remembering and thanking God for His mercies. It's been 2 years filled with truly intense experiences. From business and financial hurdles, to deep health troubles, from people disappointments to death of special ones. It has not been a bed of roses, but no one ever said life would be.

I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know the one who holds my tomorrow. He is my God and Father and in His hands I am. So I look up and keep trusting, taking it one precious day at a time.

Happy December everyone. I pray this Christmas will be a joyful one filled with God's love for you.

Much Love,

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