
Sunday 12 October 2014


 Photo by Peters Photography 
Then and now. The McGhee sextuplets! Four handsome boys and two pretty girls, I saw this picture on  I Love Being Black facebook page , as at the time of writing this blog, the picture have 2,905 comments including yours sincerely comment. What really baffling is that some guys are not happy with this lovely family! However, majority of the comments are lovely, some of these comments are copied and pasted bellow, you can read in between lines. 
Elyse JaNel Ward They do not receive any assistance. They lost twins prior to these kids. They had fertility treatments and she was encouraged to terminate her pregnancy because there were 6 babies and she said NO. Her story is as a beautiful as any other mother who has struggles with fertility. Just because they are black doesn't mean they need assistance.

Woldraw Wish If you have multiple children you should get help. I'm sure the lady with 8 kids received some help. IWhy can we not just appreciate happy and health children I think this is a beautiful family they do have their own business and if a little assistance is need so be it. I'm sure they did not ask for 6 kids what should they do send 5 back sometimes people response can be so self centered.

Theresa Davis To the ignorant racists, this family owns a business that is doing quite well. If they are able benefit from reality tv fame like the Duggar's, Honey Boo Boo, and all the others, then more power to them.

Keisha L. Johnson I am always slightly intrigued and annoyed by people who make statements and assertions without providing a source. I've read a few comments that race to judgement about this family - even putting them on public assistance - despite their life being captured and memorialized on television and their being NO evidence of the claims. I sincerely believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, I think credibility is important as well. I would invite and encourage anyone who is going to make assertions about this family being on public assistance to qualify that claim with a credible source. A link to an article, an interview... anything! Providing something factual would be a great opportunity to shut the rest of down. Otherwise, check yourself and THINK before you make decisions about running someones name and character through the mud. The only thing you succeed in doing is making yourself look like an idiot.

Aura Garcia Bobadilla Why do some people have so much hatred in their heart? Stop being so bitter and live! I don't know who they are but I can tell its a beautiful family. Stop hating on them and the Duggars just because they have the job you probably wish you had! Be merciful, we all need some help at any given time and that is fine as long as we try to get back on our feet. Bless
And be blessed!

 Monique Gail To see these comments are just plain sad!!!!!! Smh is OUR world really this hateful and ignorant. I'll pray in hopes that we get it together 

Brooke Young Wow ppl on here are so ignorant smh. Did anyone question Kate how she can be a single mom of multipleS without state aid? Gee wiz. BTW I'm a single mom of 4 year old twins and a ten year old. 1) I don't need your help lol 2) if I did need welfare guess what? MY TAX DOLLARS WENT IN TO THAT POOL SO IM ENTITLED TO IF I HIT HARD TIMES. state aid isn't free money idiots! BTW welfare began back in the day to assist white widows of war vets #message and I currently know Jewish and Asians on welfare who also own their own business' or freelance. Why? How? Because assistance is based on your household income to size (number of kids) ratio. There now you learned something. Now go to sleep and wake up angry like you always do LOL

Source: Facebook

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