
Friday 13 March 2015


A paedophile chemist, Jeremy Oketch, 30, has been jailed for 15 years after footage of his rape of a two-year-old girl left a female judge close to tears.

Oketch, allegedly filmed his sickening abuse of the toddler on a camcorder in 2013 and 2014.
He was caught after a horrified girlfriend who suspected he was being unfaithful found the images on his computer. 

At Manchester Crown Court on Thursday, Judge Hilary Manley adjourned the case for two hours whilst she viewed the 55 minute footage in her chambers.
The 48-year old judge returned to court looking pale and at first struggled to get her words out.
She said: 'It is of such an extremely graphic nature. It was essential to watch the footage myself.
'Only on watching, one can see clearly what has occurred and what the full criminality is and no description in a statement can do it justice.'

Oketch, of Whalley Range, Manchester, pleaded guilty to assault by penetration, two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault of a child under the age of 13.
Jailing Oketch this week, Judge Manley told him: '[The footage] is lengthy, horrific and graphic.
'You present as a plausible and educated individual and you exploited that to your advantage. There is little evidence of remorse.

'You can provide little or no reason for why you committed these offences. You have a deeply unnatural, twisted and obsessive sexual interest in very young children.'
The girl's foster mother had previously told the court the girl now suffers 'extended periods of crying and screaming'.

Speaking after his sentencing, Det Ch Insp Colin Larkin of Greater Manchester Police said: 'Having had to watch these videos, they are without doubt some of the most harrowing, sickening images you could ever see.
'Anyone would share our revulsion over these wicked acts being committed upon such a young child.

'The judge said the footage was exceptionally disturbing, horrific, graphic and grotesque and that nobody, not a member of the public, a police officer or a judge should ever have to watch such material. I can only echo those views.

'I cannot even begin to comprehend what would possess a man to commit such vile, repulsive acts upon an innocent two-year-old girl who could neither understand what was happening, nor fight back nor even tell anyone what had happened.

'Filming the abuse proves Oketch pre-planned what he was going to do to that little girl. This man is utterly devoid of any conscience.
'Make no mistake, Oketch deserves every second he will spend in jail. I hope the length of his sentence, in some small way, gives those who know this little girl some semblance of justice seeing this dangerous man behind bars for such a long time.

'We will continue to offer support to everyone who knows and cares for this little girl for as long as they need it.'

Read more:HERE

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