
Sunday 13 September 2015


This is the part 3 of this touching real life story ( read part 2 here)  of a woman that feels cheated by her hubby. This is how she narrated the story unedited. Enjoy it:

I had my daughter Catriona in February 2004, Segun Duyile came to Ireland in July 2004 and asked me questions and I admitted the paternity of my daughter, we both cried throughout the night and he left the next morning for London to inform his brother Kenny Duyile, from then on, himself and Kenny kept calling me at odd hours of the night and day, threatening me that I was either going to die or run mad if I don't come back to Nigeria with their two sons, I became so ill from the incessant threats. I was living with the pains of separation from family and friends, I was coping with caring for 2 boys and an infant, I was living with the stigma of having a child out of wedlock, and was being given sleepless nights from threats by him and his brother and mother who were never there for him when he had to face death in Iran.....
The threats continued until one afternoon, while cooking, I suddenly switched off the cooker and strapped my baby to the buggy, together with my boys, we went to Dublin Airport and I kept screaming to be taken to Nigeria, from there I went to the Nigerian Embassy, the officials called Kenny Duyile even though I didnt give them his name as my next of kin, Kenny then called an ambulance to drop me at the emergency of Beaumont hospital while he took my 3 kids and after 2 days went to give them up for foster care, from Beaumont hospital, I was taken to the psychiatric hospital and later discharged. After I got my kids back from foster care, Segun Duyile still continued with his threats, he said my second son Leke was never going to talk, everyone who knew me in Tralee, Kerry between 2004 to 2006 was aware that Leke never spoke a word until he was 4years old, I took him for psychological assessments, to speech therapists, even he had ear surgery, all to no avail until he was 4 years and one day just started talking.

Every one advised me to cut off communication with Segun Duyile but I still felt the kids needed their dad and I wasn't going to stand in the way of him playing his role as a dad. For all the years in Ireland I have been the sole custodian and carer for all the kids. I studied, I worked part time, I went into small scale trading; at different times. I put all of myself into being both a mother and a father to my kids, then in October 2007, Segun Duyile showed up at my door, he had come in illegally through Belfast with his brother Kenny Duyile who had thrown my kids into foster care some years back, they came with another friend of theirs and starting talking about making things work again for the sake of the kids. I refused and begged them to leave my house, even then, I gave him all the options of joint custody. I saw how the kids were so excited about their dad, the kids have never had anyone to call a dad for years...

I made the greatest mistake of my life, I gave in to sentiments, I wanted a family, I wanted a dad for my kids, by 2008, I wrote a letter of invitation for Segun Duyile to get a visa to Ireland .He made a lot of promises concerning our family life, I thought it was a new beginning, we even had our 10th wedding anniversary and renewal of vows... I put in 100% of myself into pleasing him but a leopard never changes its spots...I was still suffering in silence as a result of his insensitivity and lack of feelings or compassion... He came for visits to Ireland, I had our daughter Amanda and he brought in his girlfriend from the UK, Francesca Chukwuedo Lawal whom he introduced as his sister from another mother, but Kenny Duyile's wife had hitherto given me information about Francesca who used to be a live-in girlfriend to her own husband and their group of friends before they eventually transferred her to my own husband and then promised to secure her a permanent 'maga' husband in the name of Lekan he brought in his mistress to my home, I couldn't be bothered as I was recovering from child birth and was also busy nursing my new baby.

I went about my own activities, I would leave both of them alone in the house and come back sometimes to notice the fly of his pants were down....Francesca took over my daughter's room and one day Segun Duyile beat the living daylight out of my daughter Catriona for entering Francesca's room and pulling down the blind, I took my daughter away and sat in front of Tesco crying...this is the daughter that I couldnt even nurse properly due to trauma and threats from him, the same child he said would never live, the child that has known trauma from infancy, the same child whose birth got us Residency in Ireland, and the same child that gave us a home in Ireland...and now he's beating her for entering her own room, in her own home...because of his girlfriend.... Francesca became so saucy and openly challenged me on why I didn't abort my daughter Catriona, and I asked why she didn't abort her own baby... then both herself and Segun Duyile started fighting me in my own neigbhour had to assist in calling the police to remove Francesca from my home.

Segun Duyile continued with all mental and emotional abuse towards me and would even abuse me in the presence of the kids, he would travel around the world with girlfriends and even post the pictures on facebook without regards for me or our mutual friends and family. He will then come to Ireland fighting me to give him the child benefit, which I explained to him I utilised towards the children's upkeep, there was no support from him and I wasn't complaining but I couldn't give him money because we needed all we could get, I took loans to pay my own tuition for my Professional exams and I expected him to even be grateful that we were managing okay without any support from him except the car which we bought both with all my own personal savings and some money from him and the occasional xmas presents he bought for the kids...

I had no peace, he fought and abused me over money, he was never satisfied with anything even if I was doing it with my last drop of August 2010, I realised that the greatest mistake of my life was Segun Duyile and his second coming, I hated myself for being so naive and foolish to think that we could ever live together in harmony, I realised that I had messed up my life once again by allowing him in Ireland, after all my suffering and torture through him...I had my son in the car with me when I was crying and I crashed, I remember coming out of the car and lying in the middle of the road crying that I wanted to die, I woke up in the hospital the next day. The abuse continued and I kept everything all to myself until January 2011 when I begged him to leave my house and he refused, I told him there was no way we could live together anymore, but he started threatening me again, in April, I got a barring order against him which I didnt go to court to effect but just wanted it as to caution him.

He had gone behind my back to apply for residency and his residency was granted, then 3 days later, I was dressed and was just stepping out to go to work when he rushed out, I asked him about our daughter who was sleeping upstairs and he said he had to leave, he left home 3 days after using me to get resident permit in Ireland, the same way he used me to get his 1st UK visa. the next thing he deid was to try to throw me out of my home and render me homeless after all the years of my suffering in Ireland...that of course failed.

I went to Dublin to attend a workshop while himself and his friend Alex Akinyemi abducted the kids from their minder and went to Social Services to tell all sorts of lies was investigated and found to be false, this same faggot liar of a fraud called Alex Akinyemi who happens to be a Redeemed Church pastor would sit in my home and be discussing his wife in a very negative light as he assumed the responsibility of condemning all female lone parents to hell fire, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg to hell fire and even condemned the late Princess Diana as a whore but sees himself as being righteous with his own lies and fraudulent life...
I am very very straight and there is no question about my sexuality, I heard all the allegations of Segun Duyile's homosexual alliance with a certain Hausa friend of his in Lagos, whose wife is also aware of this, I understand they are a dreaded cult in Nigeria, he has a right to be bi-sexual but as for me, I have the right to remove him from my life as I and my children would never be a part of that lifestyle and since the children are a product of our heterosexual marriage and so IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE FOR ANYONE TO THINK THEY COULD GIVE THE CHILDREN TO AN HOMOSEXUAL ALLIANCE....

He went to court seeking full custody of the children as he threatened me over child benefit, he framed all lies and used the car accident incidence to portray me as an unfit mother, by now, himself and his lawyer had formed a close alliance with the social workers...I was in my home with my kids at Christmas of 2011 when the police and the social workers came to forcefully remove my kids from my home...I couldn't even appear in court when the case came up as I lost my dad during that period...I sent in a statement of the case history and asked for an adjourment...the judge in my town of Tralee absolved himself from sitting over that case, they took the case to Killorglin, the judge in Killorglin also refused to avail himself of that case...and then they fixed it to Killarney where they got him a full custody and a barring order against me...I have no case with Frederick (who was only a guest in my house) in any Law Court because there is no court on this earth that can settle the case between him and myself but I will still be the one to TEACH HIM THE MEANING OF JUSTICE....he it was, that took me to court again for violation of the barring order when I wrote a letter to my 15 year old son and also tried to see my son on his birthday the penultimate think that a woman would go through 15 years of torture, trauma, and abuse and even leave for a man every asset they had both worked for; and choosing only her kids...then the same man walks away with her kids, thereby destroying her relationship with her kids ...destroying even her image by falsely portraying her as an incompetent mother...

HE HAS DESTROYED MY PAST AND A PART OF MY PRESENT AND I WONT HAVE HIM DESTROY MY FUTURE THROUGH MY KIDS...I have a number of questions for the Health Service Executive HSE, over this case....also I have written letters and I'm still engaged in correspondence with the Minister of Justice, as I need explanations as to whether I have nominated Frederick to have custody of my kids, even if in case I am incapacitated, also I need answer as to whether it is possible for a barber to perform the job of barbing a head that is not present in his barbing shop...or if it is possible for a surgeon to perform an operation on an absent patient ...because I WAS NOT PRESENT IN COURT, NEITHER HAD I A COUNSEL IN DEFENSE WHEN THE RULING WAS MADE...ALL I DID WAS SENT IN A STATEMENT AND ASKED FOR AN ADJOURNMENT WHILE THE KIDS SHOULD REMAIN IN THE CARE OF THE HSE, SINCE IT WAS THE HSE THAT REMOVED THE KIDS FROM MY HOME...also I HOLD THE HSE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MENTAL TRAUMA INFLICTED ON MYSELF AND THE KIDS AS A RESULT OF THIS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE AND FOR ANY DAMAGES OR MOLESTATION THAT MAY BE INFLICTED ON THE KIDS AS THEY HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO FREDERICK DUYILE...

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