
Friday 30 October 2015


American pride Oprah Winfrey has spoken out about an awkward encounter with Calvin Mitchell, who claimed to have been raised by the presenter before they became estranged 20 years ago.

Oprah, 62, can be seen acknowledging the now truck-driver's presence, putting her hand on his chest as he attempted to engage her in conversation.
Setting the record straight after the pictures surfaced online, she said: “I met Calvin around the early ‘90s, I think it was 1992."

 “I was doing a film for television called There Are No Children Here. We were shooting in the projects in Chicago and I was sitting on set during a break, and this cute little sparkly-eyed boy came underneath the yellow tape to hand me a soda.”

Oprah admitted she was so "charmed" by him that she engaged in conversation with him and discovered his mum didn't have a job and they lived in the projects.
She added that she and partner Stedman Graham decided to take him under their wing and paid for him to go to a local private school while also finding a job for his mother.

He was later expelled and Oprah decided to send him to a private boarding school in Mississippi which she thought would be better for him, but at 16 he left after claiming "the teachers didn't like him".
"I said, 'Calvin, this is the moment. This is a seminal moment for you. I know you are 16 and can't see the road ahead, but if you leave this school and refuse to get an education - I have tried to offer you an education twice - there isn't another school I can put you in. If you leave this school, I am done. There is nothing else I can do.' And that was my last conversation with Calvin in the early '90s."
When he approached her earlier this month the 62-year-old says she didn't instantly recognise him but tried to contact him after the run-in. That was until Winfrey got wind that the young man had sold his story to a tabloid years after
"When I realized the whole thing was a setup, I was no longer interested in speaking to him."

Although Winfrey says she wasn't hurt by the experience, she did admit she was left disappointed by the boy again, but counts it as a learning experience.

"I learned from that experience, if you really want to change somebody's life, you gotta be able to spend enough time with them to change the way they think about what their life can be. It isn't enough to give a person a new life or money or a new car, you have to teach them how to fish themselves."

But when she found out it was a set up, reportedly masterminded by the National Enquirer, she no longer wanted to speak to him, saying she was "disappointed".
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but it was the only way to get in touch with you," Mitchell reportedly told the star outside the studio, referring to a recent interview where he discussed their relationship.
Oprah says she sent him to two different private schools. Confirming Oprah's comments, Calvin revealed she helped raise him for five years but when he was a “dumb” 17-year-old he made mistakes and she didn’t forgive him.

Mitchell told RadarOnline: “I want to ask Oprah, ‘Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me?'
“We had a close relationship. Oprah and Stedman were like family to me.”
He told the site that the legendary star coughed up the cash for his expensive education at The Piney Woods School, a prestigious Christian-based boarding school. But when he dropped out of the school, Oprah turned her back on the teen.

“I was young. I made a dumb decision, and Oprah wouldn’t forgive me,” he said. “I feel like what she did was wrong.” 'She told me, "Calvin, just try to work it out. You can do it. Just hang in there." She was trying to inspire me to do what was right. But even after the long pep talk she gave me, I still left.'
He added: 'I just wanted to come home, and Oprah didn't understand that.'


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