
Wednesday 25 March 2020



Winners Chapel has explained why the Church held its regular services despite the state government’s ban on large social and religious gathering of more than fifty persons.

Bishop David Oyedepo , who offered the explanation to members of the congregation on Sunday said a late memo from the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) on Saturday evening directed  that Churches should not turn back their members but should utilize the service to make necessary arrangements for Sunday and other meetings..

“ There are many Church members who are not on many platforms through which they may be reached to let them know of the change in Church meetings due to the developments that necessitate the government’s directives. That is why we are holding the service today but henceforth, members will be informed of the new arrangements,” Oyedepo explainedThe message from the CAN was also read to the congregation at the service which was devoted to praying for quick solution to be found to cure Coronavirus. The Bishop’s message in all the four services was titled: Winning the War Against the Plague of Coronavirus.

Bishop Oyedepo said the Church is not opposed to the various measures being put in place by the government to check the pandemic which has led to the death of thousands of persons globally.

“Every aspect of human life is now under siege by the virus and what the government and all relevant authorities are doing is to preserve life. We are a law abiding Church. ” he said as he urged members to comply with the various guideline  

According to him, “ Coronavirus is not a makeup, so much have been lost. What you don’t want, you don’t watch. We must all stand against further advancement of Coronavirus so that our land can be healed,” the Bishop stated.

He however noted that the best of man’s efforts to combat the disease is limited as God is the only one who is the source of ultimate solution, adding that with absolute trust in God, Coronavirus will soon become a thing of the past like the Ebola plague.

Oyedepo advised against unnecessary fear over the situation in the country and globally which he said can be counterproductive in the efforts to halt the spread of the disease.

“We cannot win the battle with fear. Don’t spread the scare, spread the answer. God’s hand is not short that he cannot save us. The siege of Coronavirus will soon be over in answer to prayer by all,” he said.


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