
Thursday 12 February 2015


Celebrated photographer and singer, TY Bello and her husband, Kashetu welcomed their first children together, a set of twin boys, on October 2014, after 9 years of pressure and reproach from diverse concerned friends and worried members of the family

Although she’s still savoring the immeasurable joy of motherhood, TY Bello had to endure struggle with Endometriosis, IVF and ceaseless pressure from friends and family before she finally became a proud mother.

In a recent interview with Genevieve Magazine, TY, who revealed she went through IVF to conceive her boys, said the journey to pregnancy was a very intense one for her, as she also cleared the rumors that she employed the services of a surrogate mother to carry the twins for her.
“My journey to pregnancy was a very intense one. I had just been through the toughest nine years 
of trying to get pregnant being confident that it would be a breeze since I had always known that I would make a great mother. It was quite humbling when it didn’t happen as I had envisioned it. It was grueling actually,” she said

She also hinted that she had always joked about having twin boys to make up for the lost time of motherhood and that she never knew God was listening to her.
“At first we didn’t know I was carrying twins. When I was going for my test, I didn’t feel pregnant. Before I went, I heard in my spirit, ‘Wear something nice’. I questioned the voice and wondered if it was nice to dress so nicely and get disappointed, setting myself for a heartbreak. In the end, I obeyed. I decided in my mind that whether I was pregnant or not, I was not going to stop believing. My doctor was very dramatic about the announcement too. She screamed so much we couldn’t even decipher her words. I had a delayed reaction, as her words wouldn’t sink in. It was overwhelming; we were truly happy and couldn’t stop crying. I remember two people, Pastors Obi Pax Harry and Angela Ashong telling me matter-of-factly that I was going to have twins. It happened to the detail. 

My friends know how I have always made it a joke about having twin boys to make up for lost time. I wanted boys because I joked that I was an eternal fourteen-year-old lanky boy myself and so we would all get along. I can’t believe God was listening. It was few months before we could confirn that we were having boys.”
The ‘Land is green’ crooner also said she discovered that a long standing undiagnosed battle with Endometriosis was responsible for her delay in pregnancy.

“In perfect timing though, two older friends of mine, Dr Odaga and Mrs Morin Desalu came into our lives and helped us be more proactive in our journey to becoming parents. What started with dark clouds took a turn. For instance when Aunty Morin whisked my husband and I to see her doctor at George’s hospital. We discovered that a long-standing yet undiagnosed battle with Endometriosis was responsible and I just assumed I had the worst period pains. Shortly after that, through Dupe Kupoluyi, we met a fantastic doctor named Yemisi Bero at the Arc Clinic who became our fertility doctor. I went through my IVF cycle with her, probably in the middle of the busiest seasons in my career. I remember jabbing myself at airports sometimes just to keep with the schedule as I worked like crazy. Sometimes I think I stayed so ridiculously busy just to keep my mind off the difficult process. To the glory of God, that cycle was successful and everything inside of me screamed for me to slow downed but I didn’t just know how. I decided to start a pregnancy journal and instinctively titled it “Quiet Streams” Immediately I knew then that everything was going to change and it did. It was like a switch was flipped and my body went rest mood.”

Just like some other women who have stayed over four years in marriage without a child, TY Bello’s friends and family pressurised her severely during the wait for her babies.

“Oh you can’t even begin to imagine. Society and even your personal fears can pressure you before a desire manifests. In our society, as with most, once you hit a four year mark after your wedding, everyone around you starts to blare their alarm. Nine years? Now that was deafening. Every time I prayed, I knew everything was going to be fine and my life was in the course set for me. The pressure gets more difficult when you are trying and it isn’t happening. It was important I turn a deaf ear sometimes. It was important that I didn’t feed my doubts. Someone once said to me after the babies came, “You can’t call your experience waiting, you were living your life to the full before their arrival”. I explained that was exactly my waiting experience. I always say that Christ came to die that we may have life and have life abundantly and that I want to live life to the maximum. If you allow yourself to sustain a state of misery because you don’t have something, whether marriage, children or a dream career, then you can’t have a full life. It is in the place of living outside of the tyranny of the desire that it comes to you in its full glory. I knew for sure I was born to be a great mum. I just wasn’t sure on how it would play out but I knew it would happen nonetheless.”
She also reacted to the rumors that she did not carry her boys herself, that she engaged the services of a surrogate, TY said

“Funny enough I had a shoot during my pregnancy and the makeup artist who did my makeup during my maternity shoot was in a room where this was being thrown around and she couldn’t stop laughing as she spent enough time with me when I was pregnant. I was blessed to have Kelechi Amadi-Obi make the photographs and it was special, as he had photographed our wedding as well. Its beautiful to have your bump photographed in appreciation but not necessarily as evidence of your being with a child. There are women who would become mothers via adoption or surrogacy. The difference is insignificant. We all carry our children”

Finally, the proud mother of Chris and Chris advised other women who are waiting for a child to tap from her testimony and believe in God.

“Waiting of any kind can be very troubling. You can’t imagine what a waiting woman goes through. I have spoken to many women and they described the process as getting an endless cycle of hope and disappointment. That is what breaks the spirit coupled with the stigma, especially in this part of the world. My advice is to never let go of the desire to be parents as God himself put it there. Celebrate the fact that you are alive and never take it for granted. Give yourself permission to experience joy, to dream and fulfill purpose as you wait. It adds value to the type of parent you become. It is always worth it in the end.”

Credits – Genevieve Magazine


Adhesive bra, the undergarment is “An Annual Letdown.” “For 5,000 years clothes have been draped, tied, buttoned, pinned and buckled on the human form. This year, for the first time in history, they will be glued on.”

The design du jour, featured just ahead of beach season in May 1949, was a pair of bra cups a woman could affix to her breasts with an adhesive that caused neither pain nor sticky residue when removed. 

HISTORY: One of The Photos That Gave Americans Their First Glimpse of Apartheid in 1950

 “Apartheid,” a word that means, simply, “apart-hood,” will forever be associated with South Africa’s notorious system of racial domination and with the freedom struggle that brought it to an end. In 1950, when LIFE published its exposé, the word was still unfamiliar to most Americans. The term itself had begun to gain currency only after the South African National Party’s electoral victory in 1948.

Photo credit:  From Margaret Bourke-White's 1950 photo essay, "South Africa and Its Problem."


Fear of Boko Haram is the beginning of the wisdom! Thousands of civilians fled their homes in the southeastern Niger town of Diffa this week, officials said on Thursday, following waves of cross-border raids and suicide bombings by Nigerian militant group Boko Haram.

Attacks in Niger are deepening a humanitarian crisis ,the International Rescue Committee, which supplied the population , struggling to feed some 150,000 people who have run to escape violence in northern Nigeria, has seen around 7,000 arrive this week in Zinder, Niger's second biggest town some 450 km (280 miles) west of Diffa.

Matias Meier, country director, said some families in Zinder, one of the poorest regions in Niger, were having to host 20 people, while other displaced were sleeping in the stadium.
A local politician said "Everyone wants to get as far from Boko Haram as possible," the politician said, asking not to be named.

The  IRC's Meier said: "Those who went on the trucks are the lucky ones. Bus tickets are sold out until the end of next week. Many are just walking or going by bicycle."

Boko Haram's insurgency has killed thousands in northeastern Nigeria. Regional armies are mobilizing a joint force of 8,700 men to defeat the group that is increasingly threatening neighboring countries.
Niger's army, backed by Chadian forces deployed to the country, has fought several battles sparked by raids in the Diffa region by militants this week.

"We have taken the steps necessary to guarantee the peace and security of the population. We call on people not to panic," said Colonel Moustapha Michel Ledru, spokesman for Niger's armed forces.
The new wave of displacement comes as farmers should be preparing to plant crops for the next harvest, highlighting the long-term impact of the violence.
"People should be planting now but they are on the move," Meier said.


South African security officers removed far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) lawmakers from parliament on Thursday after they disrupted President Jacob Zuma's State-Of-The-Nation speech and members of the main opposition walked out in protest.

EFF lawmakers interrupted Zuma with questions over alleged graft in a $23 million upgrade to his Nkandla home. Speaker Baleka Mbete told the EFF members that it was "not a question session" before asking for them to be removed when carried on.

Opposition Democratic Alliance lawmakers then walked out.



The head of Sharia4Belgium, Fouad Belkacem, 32, was jailed for 12 years on Wednesday, a Belgian court ruling that his Islamist group was a terrorist organization that brainwashed young men into joining militants in the Middle East.
The court handed down the sentence in Belgium's largest trial of alleged militants as the country remained on high alert after authorities uncovered a plot last month to kill police.
The authorities believe some 350 Belgian nationals have fought in Syria, the highest per capita level among western European countries.
Unlike most other defendants in the trial, the group's leader Fouad Belkacem, 32, did not fight in Syria, but Judge Luc Potargent said he was the driving force in the organization. Prosecutors had asked that he be sentenced to 15 years.
"It is clear that Belkacem ... prepared young people physically and psychologically for armed combat," Potargent said.
Belkacem initially refused to stand up as the judge read out the sentence, only rising with a big sigh after being told again by the two policemen seated beside him.
Forty-five members of the group stood trial in the northern city of Antwerp, although only seven were present in court on Wednesday. Most of the others are still believed to be in Syria.
Delivering his verdict, Judge Potargent detailed how Sharia4Belgium glorified armed struggle and called for the adoption of Islamic Sharia law by violent means.
"The law doesn't state that terrorist attacks already have to be carried out to qualify a group as a terrorist organization. They only have to have the intention to one day carry out such attacks," said Potargent.
Much of the prosecution case has relied on the testimony of 20-year-old Jejoen Bontinck, a member of Sharia4Belgium who made national headlines when his father went to Syria to convince him to return.

Prosecutors recommended Bontinck be jailed for four years but he finally received a much lighter sentence after providing evidence against his former fellow fighters. He got 40-month suspended sentence.


Dirty Amber Rose had an affair with Nicki Minaj's boyfriend Safaree... and that she sent him naked many photos of herself. According an unidentified source, "At Nickis birthday in Vegas on [December 9th] weekend, Nicki caught her boyfriend Safaree in Amber's room... she knew something was going on."……. "Later to find out by going into Safaree's phone, [Nicki learned] that Amber was sending Safaree naked pictures of herself via bbm."

How else do you explain the masturbation photos Amber?  I guess she could be the one leaking her own x-rated photos because she wants some attention whoring tendencies. So did Amber Rose leak her own nude photos for a second time!!!