
Sunday 15 February 2015


Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is an American lawyer and writer. She is the wife of the 44th and current President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the first African-American First Lady of the United. Looking too serious?


Danielle Sheypuk
 New York Fashion Week is all about aspiration. The designer Carrie Hammer shocked the audience with something different, when she featured role models over actual runway models.

Actress Jamie Brewer, known for her work on American Horror Story, became the first model with Down syndrome to ever walk at New York Fashion Week.
“It exceeded all of my expectations,” Hammer said to TIME. “What I love about our shows everyone is smiling, everyone is having a good time.”

One of the models included Danielle Sheypuk, who became the first-ever model in a wheelchair to appear at New York Fashion Week. “We were never trying to make a statement,” Hammer says. “We don’t think of [Sheypuk] as being in a wheelchair. We don’t define her that way … but it went really viral. We got hundreds of emails for girls and their moms thanking us’’

Jamie Brewer


The most revealing red carpet dress  & look ever by top celebrities…See the pics after the cut.....



Chief Emeka Omii, a business man, is happy to be alive to tell the heart-rending story of his miraculous survival after kidnappers shot him several times in the mouth, thigh and neck, for attempt­ing to escape from there den. Read his story below……………..

“On that fateful day, I went to Aro Ngwa to pay my workers who were harvesting palm fruits for me. On getting there, about seven young men with guns accosted us. It was about 3pm. They said that everybody should lie down but I asked them, ‘gentlemen, who are you?’ They said we should obey first before asking questions. But I told them that they just can’t come and tell us to lie down like that.
Then they told me that they were kidnappers.
 I got up; they told my friend, Mr David Orafor, to get up but he was lying on the ground, he didn’t get up. So, they shot at him. Fortunately the bullets didn’t get him; they passed through his arm­pit. Thinking that they had injured my friend, I tried to go and check what they had done to him.
They hit me with the butt of a gun and took me away. They took my car – a Sienna space wagon and put me at the back seat and we left. I told my friend that I would be com­ing back. But before they came, somebody who sold a land to me nicknamed Baba Ke though late now, passed by on a motorcycle. He was answering a call and look­ing at me. He said he was coming. Immediately he passed, this peo­ple came.
“They took me to Obingwa and demanded that I should give them N50million. I told them that I had never seen such money before; I told them that the only money I had on me was N200,000. I said I would give it to them and I was also ready to give them the origi­nal document of my car but they told me that if I do not give them N50 million they would waste me. 

They took me inside the bush, stripped me naked, tied my hands and blindfolded me and asked me to stay there. I was there till about 7pm when they came back on a motorcycle, asking me if I was ready to bring the N50 million. Again, I told them I had never seen such amount of money. I wanted to shout but they said if I shouted, they would kill me. I begged them to give me water to drink but they refused.

“While I was inside the vehicle, they stepped on my head and shot me on the neck but God saved my life. The bullet didn’t go straight to the bone; it just brushed off my skin. When I discovered that they didn’t want to let me go, I decided to take my fate in my own hands. I was already bleeding and I knew that if they left me there I would die. But if I managed to escape, I could be saved. So, I decided that instead of me to die in pain, I would die honourably. I now decided to fight them. Like I said earlier, I was blindfolded and my hands tied, but I removed the blindfold. I asked them to let me go, that I would not stay there with them again. They started fighting with me inside the bush.
“They put me on their bike and brought me inside the town. They gave somebody sign to go and check if the road was clear so that they could take me into their warehouse where they keep their victims. So, I started fighting with them. In the process, they tried to strangle me. I saw one of them holding a cutlass and he asked his colleagues to make way so that he would cut me with the cutlass. I jumped up and grabbed the cut­lass; I pushed the knife towards his chest and he left it for me. As I raised the cutlass up, all of them ran away.

I used the cutlass to cut the rope on my leg. Then they shot me on the leg and I ran into the bush. They started shooting every­where. They chased me from that point (7.30pm) till about 10pm. We were running inside the bush. Because they already knew the ter­rain, if I tried to dodge they would see me and go to block me else­where. They were telling them­selves that I was coming towards one direction or another.”

Bruised and battered, the busi­nessman was eventually caught again by the kidnappers. That was when Omii noticed the deep cut on his lips, in addition to other injuries on other parts of his body, because as he was running within the vil­lage, the abductors were shooting at him. Luckily, only a few bullets hit him, but none of them touched his bones.

His words:
“So, when they caught me for the second time, they took me into their warehouse. That was about 12am. But before then, they dropped me on the road and hit me with cudgels. They asked me where I came from and I told them that I came from Enu­gu. They asked me why I came to steal there and I told them I did not come to steal anything. That I could not come to that village to steal anything. That was when I discovered that some villagers had joined them in chasing me because they told them that the person they were chasing was an armed robber.
 There was an argument or confu­sion because I told them that I was kidnapped while they said that I was a thief. They were arguing among themselves. Another group with guns emerged and asked me to get up. I asked them who they were and they said that they were vigilante people. I asked them what they wanted to do and they said that I should follow them. I was still 100 per cent naked; they had removed all my clothes. The two guys took me inside a house in the bush. I noticed that the same gun they came with to kidnap me was the same gun they had with them, because they cut the butt of the gun to make it shorter. It was the same people.

Miraculous escape

“They warned me not to attempt escaping because there was no way I could escape from that place. Because of too much struggling, I was already tired. I slept off im­mediately they locked the door and left me. It was a mud house but with high walls. In a dream or what seemed like a dream, it was like someone tapped me and asked me why I thought those guys were my friends? I woke up and didn’t see anybody but the voice kept re-echoing and saying the same thing. I considered my situation and concluded that there was no way I could escape from that place. 
The wall of the house was so high and they blocked the window from the back. I tried to sleep again in submission, saying after all I had bullet wounds there was no way I was going to escape. As I want­ed to sleep, the same voice came again and told me that in some of the movies I had watched some ac­tors were shot but they used their last strength to escape while I was there wallowing in self-pity. I now summoned courage to seek how to escape. My mind told me to try the door and I pulled it with force. The door slacked and I pulled it again and the door opened. I ran into the bush.

“They told me that nobody had ever escaped from that place. One miraculous thing that happened was that all the dogs around the place were sleeping when I es­caped. It was when I left that I noticed that they were dogs. I en­tered into the bush and saw a very big wolf, it ran away. Immediately I left, I heard dogs barking. Then they started shooting, meaning that they returned immediately I left. I decided not to go straight to the road because I would be an easy catch.
 I decided to walk through the bush until I saw a signboard belonging to a certain church in Obingwa. At a time, I couldn’t walk again because they had shot my leg and the pains were excruciating. I could hardly move again, so I lay on the ground. But my mind told me that they could just walk in there, kill me and walk away.
“I struggled to enter into one un­completed building of the church. Early in the morning, about 5am, I saw women going to the market; I was shouting but they didn’t hear me. Sometime later, I saw a man riding a motorcycle. 

I shouted and told him to bring the police for me. He asked me what I was doing there and I told him that kidnap­pers shot me and that I just man­aged to escape from them. Mean­while, I was still stark naked. But the man told me that policemen do not come to that place. So, he left; he didn’t even look at me. After some minutes, I saw another per­son riding a bicycle and I begged him to get some policemen for me. He asked who I was and I intro­duced myself to him. I told him that I escaped from kidnappers and that they shot me severally, so I could not stand up. He said ok, went and invited the whole village. They came with tyres, logs and different things, saying that I was a thief. They kept me there, asking me all sorts of questions.
 They did not even allow me to explain any­thing. It was the village head who came and asked them how they ever thought that this sort of man will come to the village to steal palm fruits or cassava. I told the man that I had an SUV, LJ Cruiscame and asked them how they er and Sienna, and the man asked them how possible it was for me to leave all those things and come to steal in the village. He told them to look at my skin; that I do not look like a petty thief. Meanwhile, the kidnappers were running around the village in my Sienna. Kidnap­ping was like an official business in that village, so they were not hiding. ­
“The man went to the tradition­al ruler and relayed his findings to him. The traditional ruler sent the Bakassi Boys and when they came, I was still lying down naked. They started shooting and every­body started running away. They did their spiritual investigation or whatever they call it and gave me a clean bill of health. They took me to Umuobiakwa police sta­tion in Obingwa. From there, they took me to Central Police Station (CPS), Aba. I was still naked, so one policeman removed him shirt and gave me. I just managed to use the shirt to cover the vital place.

Police in the mix
Omii said that it was at the po­lice that his people brought clothes for him. It took the police time to launch an investigation into the matter; they were rather busy mak­ing demands. By then his lawyer and many other people had con­verged on the station, telling them that Omii was innocent. They told the police that he was a victim of kidnapping but the police request­ed for money but he didn’t have the amount they wanted. So they turned around to say that they had a shootout with some armed rob­bers, and maybe Omii was one of the armed robbers. 

At this point, his friend David Orafor, went to the soldiers who had given the kidnappers a chase when the ad­duction took place. The army of­ficer told them that the matter was reported the previous day and that his men chased the kidnappers until rain started falling and they couldn’t see the tyre marks again. The officer took Omii’s friend to the Area Commander and he or­dered that he should be released to seek treatment. He was then taken to the teaching hospital. Unfortu­nately, soon after the wounds were sutured, the hospital staff went on strike. From there, Omii was taken to Living World Hospital. Later he went overseas for surgery.

Today, Omii strongly believes that Baba Ke who sold the land to him had a hand in the travail that befell him. He told Sunday Sun:
“I suspect Baba Ke because the guy had been perpetrating so many evils. He once kidnapped a 10-month-old boy and sold him. He was into many crimes but now he is dead. The family is aware because I went to their house and told them that Baba Ke was in­volved. He was killed in the vil­lage by fellow criminals he wanted to outsmart. They cut off his head and left.”

Another escape from death
The kidnap incident was not the only time Omii had had a close shave with death. By his own ac­count, he fought with a massive cobra and killed it. Narrating his encounter with the animal, Omii explained that sometime ago, he entered inside a cave in his village on adventure but while coming out, a huge cobra had blocked the entrance. As the cobra wanted to attack him, he removed his shirt and threw it at the cobra. As the shirt covered the cobra’s head, he held it and struck it against a stone continuously until the cobra died. There was serious celebration in the village. The cobra was later cooked and feasted on by Omii and his kinsmen.

Source:The Sun


 A twitter user, Sir Rollin, tweets that, a J5 bus full of thumb printed ballot papers was intercepted by the Nigerian Police in Bida, Niger state, yesterday.See the tweets after the cut....


Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, on Thursday, while publicly presenting his latest book, ‘My Watch’, in London, told his audience that the certificate issue against General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd), APC presidential candidate in the forthcoming general elections, was a ploy by Jonathan’s men to stop Buhari in the election. Now at home, he attacked the President, yesterday, accusing him of a hidden agenda over the 2015 polls. Excerpt below…

“I believe the President’s   concern of fear is not to live out of office per se, because he and I have occasions to talk about this both seriously and jovially. I believe the President would want an opportunity to disengage peacefully and have a nice, decent and a glorious exit, I believe the President’s   fear is, particularly, motivated by the person he sees as his likely successor, that is General Buhari.

“I believe people would have been telling him that Buhari is a hard man, he would fight corruption and you may end up in jail if not in grave. I believe people must have told him all sorts of things and he is not the only one, there are other people who may be afraid of Buhari, but, why? I would say that Buhari has learnt lessons; if he hasn’t   learnt lessons, then he would be probably be the   most unlearning human being.

“If he has learnt lessons, he would know that you do not fight corruption by putting people in jail for 200 years and this has been done by my   own predecessor in office, General Abdulsalam Abubakar; he recovered over $750 million from Abacha’s estate without putting anybody in jail, without hurting or harming anybody. When I took over, we recovered over $1.25 billion from the same Abacha estate without hurting anybody, without harming anybody and, in fact, what would be rather unfortunate is the fact that our lawyer, who is still alive, able, who was chasing this money all over the world, said to us that there’s still about $1 billion to be recovered from Abacha   estate but the unfortunate thing is that my successor   did not do anything about it even though it was in my handing over note”.
While speaking on the role of the Security Chiefs on the postponement of the elections, Obasanjo said:

“That is what I said; it was strange to me; it wasn’t the duty and responsibility of Security Chiefs and Service Chiefs to tell INEC, ‘we are not in the position to provide security for you’ because it is their job. When they have failed, they can as well go home, their job is to maintain law and order and provide security at any time, at any place, they said they could not do it, they have failed”.
On the Boko Haram insurgency as excuse for the elections postponement,   the former President said,

“You can give any excuse or you can  rationalise anything. Boko Haram has been with us since 2009 and now if we said what we have not been able to achieve since 2009 would be achieved in six weeks, all I would say is that God is a God of miracle. God can do anything”.

On the alleged plot to remove the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Attahiru Jega, Obasanjo said: “I think the President, in his media chat, has dispelled that rumour but, of course, I know the President very well, but I want to believe him and believe what I see not what I hear”.

“I believe that after Jega has been   boxed to a corner, he had no choice but to accept the fait accompli and postponed the election.  And I believe that like I have said before, it is unfortunate because in the past, this same Jega had changed the date of election when he found it that it was not suitable. So it is the duty, responsibility, function and jurisdiction of INEC to determine whether the situation allows or does not allow them to go on with the election. Nobody should either twist their arms, blackmail them or force them”.

Obasanjo added: “I appeal to President Jonathan again not to listen to those creating phobia, phobia of Buhari, phobia of enquiry and all that. President Jonathan has done well to the best of his ability and he has made history as the first elected Nigerian from a minority tribe and nobody can take that away from him.  He can even make a second history; if it turns out that way, if he contests a fair, free and transparent election and if he loses, she should have a dignified decent and a dignified exit. He will be on the mountain top and he would be acclaimed as a true patriot and a true democrat. What stops him from doing this?”
- See more atVANGUARD


Abubakar Magaji, 45,a resident of Liman Kagum in Bauch local government,  was arrested and  paraded along with others at the Bauchi State command for rape. Abubakar, allegedly abused his own child sexually, claiming he was tempted by the devil.

The father of four said: “I engaged in the ugly act because I had a misunderstanding with my wife and she left me. I am ashamed of myself because it was temptation that led me to do it.
“I divorced her mother and married another wife but unfortunately  my wife also left me a month ago  so I needed a woman to be with; so that was why I did it. I also have a problem with my sexual libido. It is so terrible that I desire any woman I see, but what stops me from approaching them is that people respect me as a married man. So I felt the only way I could relieve my sexual tension was to sleep with my daughter, since she is so young and had no knowledge about sex.
“It was after I defiled her and I was arrested by the police that I understood the gravity of my offence. I can’t imagine that I did this to my own daughter. I regret my actions and I prat that God will forgive me”.

Reacting to the development, the state Commissioner of Police, Lawal,  Shehu  expressed worry over the increasing rate of rape ,he said: “Since January, we have arrested over 10 suspected rapists, only this week we recorded over five cases. It is worrisome that among the suspects arrested is a 45-year-old man who raped his 11-year-old daughter and two aged men who are between 45 to 54 years who raped teenage girls of between two years and four years”.

“This is why I’m sounding a note of caution to parents, especially mothers , to always monitor the movement of their female children. I particularly want to warn mothers to be always on alert because rape is on the increase and teenagers and little children between five and fifteen years are now the victims.

“Any suspect arrested in connection with a rape case will be charged to court and be prosecuted; they should also know that the offence is not bailable. Even when courts are on strike, the suspects will remain in detention till the strike is called off”.

- See more at: VANGUARD