
Wednesday 14 June 2017


Okon Ubem,35, has said that he killed his wife Eka Imaobong after making love to her on the farm because she stole his N40,000.

The suspect said that he killed his eight-year-old stepson because he insulted him.

“She stole my N40,000. So, I went to meet her in the farm and killed her. Yes, I made love to her before killing her. I also killed the stepson because he abused me.”

The State’s Commissioner of Police, Hafiz Inuwa, also confirmed this in Calabar while addressing journalists.

He said the suspect was arrested on May 13, 2017 following a hint by one John Bassey. The CP also said that he had confessed to the crime and would soon be charged to court.

Inuwa said: “On May 13, 2017, at about 1500 hours, one John Bassey (male) of Ikot-Okpora village in Biase LGA reported to the Divisional Police headquarters in Akpet Central that one of his tenants, Okon Ubem, went to farm where he murdered his wife, Eka Imaobong, and her eight year-old son, Godswill.

“The suspect confessed to the crime and will be arraigned in court soon,”

Tuesday 13 June 2017


In Britain’s biggest ever education fraud, a ‘dishonest, greedy’ and possibly bigamous school accountant /Pastor, Sam Kayode, 59 has been jailed for nine years for stealing £4.1million of taxpayers’ money – and lavishing it on four women.

Sam Kayode, a school accounts manager,spent the cash on his real wife, a second ‘wife’ and two alleged mistresses.

He bought luxury cars including a Mercedes, an Audi TT sports car and an Infiniti, and is also feared to have sent much of the money to his homeland of Nigeria.

During those years no questions were asked about the secretive man who locked himself in his office to work late, after arriving in a Mercedes, wearing £500 Gucci shoes and carrying a Louis Vuitton briefcase.

His boss, chief financial officer Paul Durgan, failed to notice a penny missing.
Prosecutor James Thacker said the father of four from Ilford, East London, was a ‘dishonest, greedy man’ too arrogant to admit his guilt even after he was caught red-handed in 2012. The accounts manager started work at Haberdashers’ – which has links with the public schools of the same name – in 1997.

Read more:HERE


Here are photos of notorious kidnapper, Evans’ wife and 5 children in his mansion before he relocated them, days before his arrest.


Mrs Yewande Oyediran, (read more here) who allegedly stabbed her husband, Ajanaku Oyediran,  a France-based businessman, to death at their Akobo residence in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital on February 2, 2016 after a domestic dispute has denied the murder charge.

Led in evidence by her lead Counsel, Mr. Leye Adepoju, during the Examination-in-chief, she narrated how her late husband met his untimely death on the fateful day.

Her Words:

”We had earlier had a scuffle in which my late husband beat me up and it was settled by our landlord and his wife and my husband had gone for treatment in a neighbourhood hospital, after I had inflicted some cuts on him, because he had pressed me on the bed and continually hit on me.

“This was the aftermath of a phone call I received from a woman on that night who had earlier claimed that he had a child for my husband. My husband has confirmed it and we had quarreled over it, but had settled the issue since she first called me on July 7, 2015.

”However, after some few hours, he became angry again and started hitting me with a plank. He was angry about the wounds and threatened to retaliate. I managed to escape and he still followed me outside with a knife and pressed me to our Landlord’s car.

”Later, I felt that I have been able to push him off me, only to later realise that it was actually our landlord that had helped me out of his grips.

”I rushed to our landlord’s flat and once inside, i turned to see what was going on behind me, only to see my husband coming after me. Suddenly, I saw him falling on his back as he tried to climb the steps to the apartment.

”I rushed back after him and tried to pull him up only to see blood gushing out of his neck. I quickly shouted for help and the landlord and his wife together with his son and a Doctor whose clinic was on our street, tried to apply first aid”.
”My landlady told my Landlord to take my husband to the hospital, but he declined saying that there was blood on his car and so needed to wash it before he can take it out.
”My landlord and I went to our neighbour, Mrs Olubunmi Onipede, to help me take him to the hospital, but she refused too, saying that I earlier insulted her when she came to intervene in the earlier scuffle.
” Eventually, she agreed to take us to the hospital after I promised to fuel her car the next day, because she had told us she didn’t have fuel in her car.

”While on our way to the University Teaching Hospital, UCH, as advised by the Doctor inside our compound, our neighbour, stopped at the hospital on our street claiming that we needed to collect a referral, but the Nurse on duty, said we didn’t need one and I also heard the voice of the Doctor in the back ground telling her we didn’t need one, but that we should rush to UCH.

”We proceeded towards the hospital only for her to take Akobo Road, when we got to General Gas Road, instead of the Iwo Road that is shorter, I asked why she was taking the route, but she replied that we must take him to the nearest hospital because it was an emergence case.
”At that time, I still kept calling my husband, ”lowo”, ”lowo” and he was nodding to me even though his eyes were closed.

When her lead Defense Counsel asked her point-blank whether she killed her husband, she became emotional and said,

”I did not kill my husband. I love my husband, even if we quarrel, it won’t be to the point of death”.

However, she admitted when asked by the Prosecuting Counsel, Mr.S.S. Akinyele that it was the offending phone call from her husband’s lover that precipitated the scuffle between her and her husband that fateful night.

The Presiding Judge, who is also the Chief Judge of Oyo State, after conferring with both legal teams, instructed that the Defense legal team should file and serve its written address on the Prosecuting team on or before June 19, 2017, while the prosecuting team should respond by July 4, 2017, with the response of the defense slated for July 10, 2017, which has been set aside for adoption by the court.


Chukwudi Onuamadike, the rich kidnapper described as crafty and deadly, claims he has five children, and they are all in Canada with his wife.

In this confession ,courtesy of The Sun in The Sun, he stated he has stomach cancer as he described his nightmarish exploits.

Here’s the confession ;

“I was able to evade police arrest because I was too wise. I am the only surviving member of our initial gang. I learnt kidnapping from China who was also killed. I formed my gang and my members formed their own gang which is an adhoc gang. I told Uche to hire two flats at Igando. When we get victims, we have people that will receive them and hand over to another gang who would hand over to another person that looks after the victims. None of these gang members know themselves, so it is difficult to know me. The only person that knows me very well is my second in command, Felix, but he does not know where I stay.

“I have two houses in Magodo Estate and two other in Accra Ghana. I have 11 phones and they are for different gangs. I don’t use a phone for two gangs. The one for my immediate family members is different from that of extended family. I tried as much as I could to keep off from trouble and the people I know. I am still puzzled the way I was picked in my house like a common criminal.

“It is true I don’t collect Naira for ransom. I collect Dollars. And I don’t reduce ransom. If I say $1 million, it is final. This was because of what I went through in life. It’s not because I am wicked.

“I was into auto parts importation but lost all my money (over N25 million) when Customs seized my goods. I relocated to South Africa, where I started peddling drugs. Along the line, my business partner shot me thinking I was dead. I recuperated, returned to Nigeria and decided to start kidnapping rich people for ransom.

“The police see me as a bad man. I am not evil. I have never killed. The victims who died were killed by Urchman, Uche and Nnamdi. They were the ones who carried weapons. Chinedu and Ehis brought contacts and names of victims to be kidnapped. We have kidnapped about 10 people since I started my own gang in 2015. Uyi Technical and Dan Odete paid N100 million and N50 million ransom respectively. I got N10 million as share.

“The highest amount I have collected was $1 million from Festac. I don’t know my networth. I don’t have any money in the bank. I operate only one account. I collect dollars because it’s my choice. It’s not true that victims pay money to an account in South Africa.

“Once the victims pay the ransom, the money goes to the people who own it. I don’t have a boss but some people own the money.

“I have people heading different sections. There are two gangs that work for me in every operation. It is not all the time I follow them. Most times, I control them on phone. The two gangs do not know themselves and none of them know my house.

“Two people take charge of the detention camp at Igando and on every operation, I pay them N2 million each. My parents are in the village. My mother knows what I do but she has never approved of it. I have five children- three boys and two girls. I sent my family to Canada.

“I have dual citizenship – Nigeria and Ghana. I got visa for my family in Ghana because I couldn’t get it in Nigeria. I have not left Nigeria since 2007 that I returned from South Africa but my family usually travelled and I also give money to people to buy whatever I need or I buy online.

“Most of our victims are targeted and picked along the road or before they enter their homes. We do not pick victims from their homes. I believe it was time for me to be arrested, that was why I was caught because I have always been in Nigeria. I am suffering from abdominal cancer and I am always on drug.

“Uche Amadin is incharge of the detention camp at Igando. At first, I told him I was into international business (drugs) but along the line, he knew it was kidnapping and he stayed with me. He was the one who brought his wife into it. He was the one who said we should rent a house at Igando in his wife’s name.”


A police officer from Akwa Ibom State, Celestine Williams who was wrongfully dismissed from the Nigeria Police Force 21 years ago has been re-instated thanks to a petition submitted on April 13, 2016, to the Senate by the senator representing Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District, Senator Bassey Albert Akpan, for his re-Instatement.

In a petition submitted to the Senate through Senator Albert, Celestine Williams, then a corporal, said in 1996, he was listed in the police daily order to join the team that investigated a highly placed Nigerian businessman, who later used his connection to frustrate his arrest and got Williams and his colleagues arrested and manhandled.

According to him, they were arrested and taken to Lagos and detained for 11 months at Onikan Police . When the then AIG Alhaji Musa Isa (now retired) went to Onikan Police Station on visiting rounds, he ordered their release after listening to their side of the story. However, when Celestine and his colleagues got back to their stations, the new Officer in Charge refused their re-documentation, and decided that they should no longer be paid until they clear themselves from the top..

According to Celestine, all attempts to get him re-instated failed even after there were two signals from the police authorities signifying that he was illegally dismissed without trial.

This was the case with Celestine for over 21 years when he he wrote Senator Bassey Albert to intervene and press on the police authorities to re-instate him.

In a petition submitted to the Senate by Senator Bassey Albert and dated April 13, 2016, the distinguished senator requested the senate to intervene in view of the fact that the police wireless message attached to his request reveals that the appellant was not tried but dismissed for an undisclosed offence. The Senate later referred the matter to its committee on Ethics, privileges and Public petitions for further investigations. The committee after its investigations recommended the re-in statement of Celestine Williams and his promotion from the rank of corporal to the rank of ASP, which is the current rank of his mates in the police force.

A highly excited Celestine today visited Senator Albert to thank him for his doggedness in seeing to his re-instatement., and prayed God to continue to lift him from glory to glory.

© Idorenyin Umana


A notorious kidnapper, Chukwudi Onuamadike, who is also popularly known as who was arrested by security operatives on Saturday, June 10, has begged for forgiveness.

It was reported that during the arrest he was wearing a designer wrist watch which costs $170,000.
Vanguard reports that Evans burst into tears during his interrogation asking for forgiveness and promising to be a born-again Christian if given the opportunity.

 He said: “My friend, known as Hunch Man, introduced me into kidnapping and after a few operations during Peter Obi’s administration, we were forced to leave the state and we moved to Edo state. I had some boys from Warri, Delta state, working with me.

 "We carried out two big kidnappings where our victims paid N80m and N100million respectively. In 2013, I came to Lagos and I went straight to Festac Town. Before I came to Festac, I had already established contacts with some boys. One of the jobs we did was that of the owner of Young Shall Grow Motors, Chief Vincent Obianodo.

 "One guy, known as Emeka, brought the job and we were five that went for that operation — Hunch Man, Nmamdi, Uche, Nwoke and I. I was the one driving and our target was to kill Young Shall Grow’s driver and his police orderly. Hunch Man, Uche Nnamdi and Nwoke were carrying guns and they were the people who fired at Young Shall Grow.

 “Hunch Man and Uche were killed during the attack, while Nnamdi, Nwoke and I survived. That operation was my most bloody operation. I didn’t know it was going to turn out that way. I usually don’t know names of people I kidnapped in Festac. But if I see them, I will tell you what I did to them. I have people who gave me information about my victims.

“The pharmacist job is the only one that gave us a problem. The highest ransom I collected was $1million dollars from somebody living in Festac. I keep my victims for months because I want their people to pay the ransom I demanded. I have people cooking for my victims, one of who stays in the house; his name is Uche.

“The other boy is from Aguleri. The boy is a new person, but Uche is old. I usually pay Uche N20million for every operation. I usually make the calls for the ransom. I have six boys in Lagos. My mother does not come to my house and she also knows that I am into crime but she is not in support.

“I bought this house for N130million and I have two houses in Magodo. My house in Ghana is bigger than this. I don’t kill.”