
Wednesday 27 September 2017


Nollywood star actresses, Doris Simeon speaks with Oge Ezeliora about her love life, broken marriage, newfound skills as a producer and her determination never to look like an old woman.
What project are you working on at the moment?
I just produced four movies which are set to be released soon: two Yoruba movies and two English movies titled, Aseju, Soul Betrayal, Alone in the dark and Olorire.

How do you juggle being an actress and a producer?
Acting is easy. Acting is fun especially if you are focused on what you are doing. Producing a movie is challenging – you’re faced with the stress of sourcing for scripts, cast, crew and finance.

How do you feel seeing younger actresses progressing quickly in the movie industry?
The industry is wide and is expanding day by day. I am glad about this development. We must create opportunities for upcoming actresses. Nollywood is not only for Doris. I am happy that people are looking up to me. I am mentoring actors and actresses.

How did you feel the first day you had to face a camera?
I was shy the first time but after series of rehearsals, the rest is history – I focus on what I was told to do. (My first time before the camera) was for a popular television comedy called Papa Ajasco produced by Wale Adenuga Productions. I was doing that before I went into full-time acting – joining Nollywood.

Is being an actress a blessing to you?
As an actress, God has blessed me and I can’t deny it, though it has not been easy. Being an actress is the best thing that has happened to me. My gratitude goes to God first. He has always been there for me. I can’t complain that I have been robbed of my private life. My life is always out there. Above all I am happy being an actress.

How do you excel as a bilingual actress?
For Yoruba movies, the scripts come more often than the English movies. It is the same job but different languages. Shooting Yoruba movies is a bit difficult because you have a lot of job to do – translation is there. But the English movies are easy. It’s getting better now because these days, you now find actors from different circles coming together to shoot films and celebrate things together. This is something we have been longing and praying for. We thank God it’s working out well now. The English movie industry is highly competitive but the jobs are easy. If they ask me to speak English, I will speak. If they ask me to speak Yoruba in any movie, I will speak it so fluently.

Have you always had a beautiful life?
I was born in Lagos; I can say I had a sweet childhood. I was pampered loved and well taken care of by my parents. I have a diploma in Production Management from the PEFTI Film Institute owned by Wale Adenuga. My parents originated from Okpella in Benin, Edo state. My father had many wives and many children. It was a polygamous home but we were well cared for. My mother was a peaceful woman and she loved her children so much.

What is your fashion dislike?
I don’t like dressing shabbily. I don’t like dressing like an old woman. I hate tying a wrapper around my boobs – that’s a complete turn off for me. Do you know I don’t even have a single wrapper in my wardrobe?

What’s your marital status now?
I am not legally divorced – the divorce suit is still in court. Yes, I am single and I am a happy woman.

Don’t you think being a single mother is now fashionable in Nollywood?
Single motherhood is not peculiar to Nollywood. If you go to the banking sector, there are single mothers there; in the military, in law firms and other fields, there are single mothers. It is not our fault; it’s just that men no longer want to play their role as husbands. I am not a supporter of single parenthood: every man or woman has the right to live their life the way they choose. It’s just by God’s grace that I am acting and producing. Emotional trauma is not what I will encourage anybody to pass through. God created every woman for a man. So marriage is good.

Is there any possibility that you and your ex will reconcile?
I don’t dwell in the past. I don’t want to talk about that anymore. I have moved on. I have no regret at all. I have only learnt to be stronger. The truth is that I have forgotten about everything. Time has erased it (the emotional pain I went through). I am now a better person. Today, I am closer to God and I put God first in everything I do. I never gave up on love. I have found love again in Jesus. I am married to my career right now. I am in a relationship anyway but I want to be private about it. I thank God because I am a better person. My career and business are going on well.

Will you remarry?
I am single and ready to mingle. If God sends a man to me I will not reject him. I am not bored. If it’s God’s plan for me I will go ahead (and get married); if not, then I will remain single.

Do you still have a good relationship with your ex-husband and his wife?
Yes, I do.

What’s unique about you?
It’s my patience. I am also playful. I am playful to the extent that a lot of people think I am not a serious person. I am a very funny person.

Apart from acting, what else do you do?
I am into hair-dressing. I started making hair as a little girl. Now, I have fulfilled my childhood dream of owning a big salon of my own. My mom was a hair-dresser and fortunately for me, I learnt a lot from her. I have a salon at Ogba. Right now, we are also into households and interiors décor.


General Overseer, Winners Chaple, and Chancellor of Covenant University,  Bishop David Oydepo, Turned 63rd Years Old Today.


Morrison Akinyemi ,300 Level Student of Caleb University, was allegedly beaten to death by his baby mama, Chidinma after a fight ensued in their room.

A neighbor to the “couple”, Mia Seren, narrated what happened as thus:
“Like yesterday, he went for a part then came back around 9. But chidinma was not home, so he called her to ask her where she was… They sha planned to meet at one place.. When they came back they were with a Mr Biggs nylon and they went to their room.

Like 30 mins later we heard them fighting in the room and somebody was hitting someone’s head on the wall.. Chidinma open the door, she did not open the door… Later we did not hear their voices.
Like 30 mins later, she opened the door then joy’s mother and bro moor wife brother entered and saw Morrison on the floor.

He was unconscious and he had an injury on his head, and had a cloth tied to his neck. We rushed him to the hospital then they said he was gone.

.. A tribute by his friend Gabriel reads:
I want you to know that I think of you every day. I want you to know that I miss you more than anything, and I would give anything to talk to you one last time. I still remember the last time that I saw you on sunday sept 24th. You were leaving for a party and I begged you not to leave.
You started cracking dry jokes….I knew I would miss you.. knew it would be a while until I saw you again. For some reason, when I we hugged…not until yesterday morning our friend Edet told me you died that sunday night…
I still cant believe this been crying since I cant even get a good sleep without thinking about you…..You had plans though you were You told me you wanted the youngest president in Nigeria…
Looking back now, I wish I would have spent more time with you, shared more stories with you, and made more memories.But death took you From us…you were our own diego costa the best fifa player in gbagada.
Thank you for being a brother,a best friend and for being the most influential person I’ve ever met, for accepting and loving everyone, and for being someone that impacted the lives of so many. You will never be forgotten.I will always love you bro..Goodnight Morrison Akinbule
Adewunmi Gabriel

Friday 22 September 2017


After his meeting at the 72nd UN General meeting, President Muhaammadu Buhari yesterday departed New York for Nigeria enroute London where he is billed to see his doctors . See more photos from his departure below.....


The Police Service Commission has approved the dismissal of one Chief Superintendent of Police  (CSP) for murder. A statement released by the commission's spokesperson, Ikechukwu Ani, says the officer, whose identity was undisclosed, shot and killed an innocent citizen in Igboeze South Local Government Area of Enugu State and after murdering the victim, planted a gun on him and labeled him an armed robber.

The statement reads: “Police Service Commission has approved the dismissal of a Chief Superintendent of Police, CSP, for unlawful exercise of authority, discreditable conduct and for raising false report. The senior Police Officer was said to have shot and killed an innocent citizen in Igboeze South Local Government Area of Enugu State and planted a gun on his victim which he branded an armed robber.”


England women’s manager, Mark Sampson, who made a racist comment about Ebola at Eniola Aluko and her family in Nigeria, has been sacked .

Recall that last month, Eniola Aluko, the elder sister of Nigeria striker Sone Aluko accused England women’s head coach Mark Sampson of subjecting herself and her Nigerian family to a ‘racist’ jibe about the Ebola virus.

The claims follow allegations in May 2016 that she was bullied by Sampson and that he made a remark with ‘racial connotations’ to another mixed-race player. But Mr. Sampson and the Football Association denied Miss Aluko’s accusations.

Eniola Aluko who plays for Chelsea Ladies was later dropped from the England squad after the allegations came to light.

FA chief executive  in a statement on Wednesday confirmed that the coach has been sacked from his job after receiving the full report into accusations against Sampson in March 2014 of inappropriate relationships with more than one female player at Bristol Academy.

Read the full FA statement below..

The Football Association can confirm that Mark Sampson's contract as England Women's Head Coach has been terminated with immediate effect.

Prior to taking charge of the national team in December 2013, Mark was manager of Bristol Academy. In 2014, safeguarding allegations were made against him about his time with Bristol. The safeguarding assessment was that he did not pose a risk working in the game.

However, the full report of that investigation was only brought to the attention of the current FA leadership last week and it is our judgement that it revealed clear evidence of inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour by a coach. It is on this basis that we have acted quickly to agree a termination of Mark's contract.

In respect of investigations into specific allegations made by Eniola Aluko in 2016, The FA stands by the findings of the independent barrister Katherine Newton's investigation.

Mark Sampson has denied all of the accusations put to him and no evidence of wrong-doing was found. We will continue to support the independent investigation as it reviews the recent evidence presented to it and publish any new findings and recommendations.


The Lagos State commissioner of police , Edgal Imohimi, on Wednesday,20th, led a team of security personnel to demolish six shrines in Ikorodu town in Lagos state.

Items found in some of the shrines included coffins, human head sculpture, hard currencies, and other fetish materials. See more photos...