
Wednesday 30 October 2013


Idreez Popoola
Idreez Popoola, 34, an illegal immigrant in UK, will finally be sent back to his home country of Nigeria when he is released from a seven-year jail term imposed on him for Raping.
It was gathered that Popoola, who is married with a child, came to the UK on a 12-month visa in 2005, but when it expired he was given permission to remain on a temporary basis.
Idreez Popoola, who worked as nightclub bouncer, was twice spared deportation when, he successfully appealed the ruling, arguing that the Human Rights Act provided him with the right to a family life but 11 months later he went on to brutally rape a woman in her own home.
Popoola, who sold mobile phone top-up cards in Nigeria before moving to the UK, is thought to have lived in Oxford before settling in Thornton Heath, South London, where he trained as a bouncer and gained work with an agency which supplied a Northampton nightclub.
The prosecutor,Gordon Aspden, said Popoola met his victim at a McDonald’s restaurant in the town. After going back to her home he attacked her, then forced her to drive him to a train station.
Judge Lynn Taytonmm, while sentencing Popoola, said  that : ‘It was a serious aggravating factor that the rape took place in the victim’s own home, as this was an abuse of the trust placed in you by the victim and has undermined her feelings of safety in her own space.’ He was sentenced to seven years after being found guilty of rape following a four-day trial.
Michael Ellis, Tory MP for Northampton North, said: ‘This is an example of the dysfunctional border control in the UK.
‘Although there has been considerable improvement since this government took over, the previous regime was completely not fit for purpose.
‘Here is another example of someone who has gone on to commit a serious and unforgivable act when they shouldn’t have even been in the country at all.’
Alp Mehmet, deputy chairman of the Migration Watch UK pressure group, said: ‘The sensible course of action, in respect of anyone without a right to be here, is to remove them as speedily as possible.’
A Home Office spokesman said: ‘We have introduced tough new rules to protect the public from those who try to stay here through abuse of the Human Rights Act.
‘Our Immigration Bill will give the full force of legislation to our policy that foreign criminals should ordinarily be deported despite their claim to a family life.

Source: UKmail

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