
Tuesday 25 March 2014


The above title captured my attention on facebook; by the time i went through and also saw Pa Joseph Fagbola’s comments on it, i then realised that this is a serious matter that must be exposed to general public to debate.

I will love to make a reference to a particular book ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell , where Snowball a character in that book, also one of the influential figure in that animal kingdom announced that; ‘all animals are equal’, within tinkle of an eye they changed the law into; ‘all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’

With these two laws: ‘all animals are equal’, this particular law is meant to cajoled  and deceive the public ,while ‘all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’ is meant for the elites, the cabals, the rouges , the cultists that rule the majority.

‘’It is for this reason, that I am shocked to learn how Governor Olusegun Mimiko, who is expected to show good example for others to follow, because he is ruling by the ticket of Labor Party where merit should always be given the pride of place, has not only made his blood brother Prof Femi Mimiko, the full time Vice Chancellor of the Ondo State University at Akangba, and also doubles as the Acting Deputy Governor at the same time. As if that is not bad enough, the same Prof. Femi Mimiko is also selected as one of the representatives of Ondo State in the on-going National Conference at Abuja. Is he saying all the other people with political strong-will and intellectual endowment in the State have now been afflicted with osteoporosis, which has decreased their bone mass with decreased density and enlargement of bone spaces, thus producing porosity and frigidity in them, as a result of which they lack the required agility to do those jobs?’’(Joseph Fagbola)

However, i will love the general public to read Mr.Maxwell A Adeleye’s write-up bellow:

‘’In the edited words of Egalitarian Danthi Allegieri, pit of hell is the constituency of those who sees immorality and chose to go on criminal silence.

Country people, a never-seen-before immorality were recently perpetrated by a custodian of power and affluence in the South Western Nigeria. He’s a trained Medical Doctor that has abandoned his Clinic for Politics since the aborted 3rd republic.

Country men and women, welcome to the world of Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, the Governor and paramount ruler of the oil rich Ondo State.

Now the main point: Governor Mimiko was asked by the federal government to nominate three Delegates for the ongoing entertainment nick-named National Conference at the National Judicial Institute, Abuja. The Cinema show will take at least, 12 weeks before it is concluded.

To the surprise of all and sundries, His Excellency Nominated His Younger Brother, Femi Mimiko, a University Don who double as the Acting-Deputy Governor of Ondo State and the full time Vice-Chancellor of the state owned University situated at Akungba-Akoko.

As If that is not enough, his Excellency Dr. Mimiko also nominated 3 sitting Commissioners to complete his three nominees. The Commissioners are to be away in Abuja for the next three months without a Deputy to act in their absence. They are also to Miss the State Weekly Executive Meeting for the next three months.

It is on record that Mimiko, with the support of all his Commissioners, has not Commissioned a project since he was re-elected as Governor in October 2012.

Before I proceed, I wish to avow for the sake of clarity that the three nominees of Mimiko, most especially his immediate Younger brother, Professor Mimiko, are eminently qualified to represent an entity at any occasion; however, I wish to affirm without any prejudice or fear of intimidation that the nomination of Mimiko Jnr. and the two Cabinet members in Mimiko’s government is immoral, Aba-Moronic (apologies to Victoria Ohaeri) and a great disservice to the good people of Ondo State.

I wish to ask that who will perform the roles of the ministries of the two Commissioners while they will be away doing the biddings of Mimiko at National Conference?

Assuming that the Septuagenarian Deputy Governor of Ondo State, Alli Olanusi will now have an ample of opportunity to prove his competence in the absence of Mimiko Jnr., please, who perform the constitutional roles of Professor Femi Mimiko at Adekunle Ajasin University (AAUA) for the next three months? Oh! The Deputy Vice-Chancellor? I was reliably informed that the theory that the late President of Nigeria, Umaru Yar’adua applied for Goodluck Jonathan when the latter was his Deputy has been applied to decimate the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of AAUA! The poor Varsity Don reports to office daily to read Newspapers! Nothing else! He’s dutifully incapacitated as I write!
Without much ado, as a public affairs commentator, I consider Governor Olusegun Mimiko’s action as the height of insult and assault on the intellectually rooted, grounded and globally respected minds from Ondo State.

As at the last time I checked on the National Universities Commission’s Hansard, Ondo State was in 5th position amongst the states with the highest number of professors in Nigeria!
Now, I wish to ask with a sense of modesty that must it be Professor Femi Mimiko?
Lastly, let me state that assuming without conceding that the mainstream media have been oiled to go on criminal silence over this height of immorality, as a Change Agent, I refuse to be bought over!
Once again I ask, Why is it always Mimiko?’ Maxwell A. Adeleye writes from, Magodo, Lagos.

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