
Saturday 22 March 2014


The European Network Against Racism (ENAR),said that the Belgian labour market is based on “ethnostratification”, which means  that racial and ethnic origin play a major role in determining a person’s employment prospects.
According to ‘ENAR’, Belgium was found to be a source of “continuing inequality and an undeniable hierarchy of socio-economic positions” and the least likely to benefit from employment opportunities in Europe, are those of Maghreb origin from North Africa, that is those of Moroccan background, while Black Africans are the second-worst job prospects, followed by those from Italy and Eastern Europe in Belgium

According to the report, the same hierarchy comes into play at all levels of employment, from access to jobs up to the risk of redundancy.. “Racism structures the world of employment and work,” the report concludes.
However, the ENAR report makes a number of recommendations which includes: ethnic quotas in government jobs, based on what is called “inclusive neutrality”; positive discrimination; opening government jobs up to non-citizens, in particular from outside of Europe; and reforms to public holidays to remove religious connotations.

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