
Wednesday 9 September 2015


Soji Omotayo, popular radio presenter with Faaji FM, recently escaped death by a whisker when attacked with a machete by jealous husband who accused him of having an affair with his wife.

The furious husband, Kunle (surname withheld), attacked Omotayo on August 22. Omotayo said  he was surprised by the attack because he and Kunle had been doing business together for years.

He said: “I was ushered into his living room. When I entered, I met his daughter and wife there.
They greeted me and left the living room. I noticed that he locked the door, but did not remove the key from the keyhole. The man then asked me if my wife was in Nigeria and I said yes. He told me to call her that he just wanted to say hello to her. “What shocked me most was that after he collected the phone from me, he told my wife he purposely invited me to his house just to kill me. He told my wife that I was dating his wife.” Omotayo said that before he knew what was happening, Kunle had pocketed his phone and brought out a sharp machete from his trousers.
Read More HERE

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