
Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Whenever we are talking about corruptions or looting of treasuries in Africa, we must not forget that these looters are always having collaborators in foreign countries. Banks in Switzerland, Britain, America, France, Luxembourg, Austria, Liechtenstein , Australia, New Zealand and other offshore Islands controlled by the West provides save heaven for stolen money from African nations.

It was revealed that banks in ‘’Europe and America, alleged to have aided, abetted and provided sanctuary for Abacha’s $4 billion stolen funds, are: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, ANZ, London Branch; Bank Len, Zurich; Bankers Trust Company, London; Bankers Trust Company, Frankfurt; Bankers Trust Company, New York; Banque Barring Brothers, Geneva; Bank in Liechtenstein A.G Vaduz; Barclays Bank, New York; Barclays Bank, London, Banque Edonard Constant, General; Banque Nationale De Paris, Geneva; Banque Nationale De Paris, London , Banqwue National De Paris, Basle; Citibank,N.A. London; Citibank NA, New York, Citibank N.A. Luxenbourg; Citibank Zurich; Credit Lyonnais, New York; Credit Suisse, New York, Credit Suisse, General; Credit Suisse,Zurich; Deutche Morgan Grenfell, Jersey; FIBI Bank (Schweiz) A.G Zurich; First Bank of Boston, London; Goldman Sachs and Company, Zurich; Gothard Bank, Geneva; LGT Liechtenstein Bank, Vaduz; Liechtenstein Landesbank, Vanduz; M.M. Warburg and Company  Luxembourg; M. M. Warburg and Company,Zurich; M. M. Warburg and Company, Hamburg; Merrill Lynch Bank, New York; Merrill Lynch Bank, Geneva; Midland Bank, London; National Westminister Bank, London; Paribus, London; Paribus, Geneva; Royal Bank of Scotland , Leeds; Standard Bank London Limited, London; UBS AG, Zurich; UBS AG, Geneva; Union Bancaire Privee, Geneva; Union Bancaire Privee, London; London Branch; Verwaltungs Und Private Bank A. G., Vaduz; and ANZ, New York; ANZ, Frankfurt. Only heaven knows how much of the alleged Abacha´s loot still remains in these banks. We did not hear anything about these banks in the Western media and how they purportedly helped Abacha to loot Nigeria’s resources until his death in 1998.

Fast-forward, it is common for Western companies looking for lucrative contracts to pay bribes and kickbacks to induce officials into awarding them; apart from the banking sector, the property sector in Europe, America and Australia were alleged to have connived with the political and business elite in Africa to impoverish the people.

Several African leaders have reportedly bought properties in Europe and America using monies stolen from their poor countries. It is alleged that Mobutu of DRC (Zaire) bought several villas in France, Switzerland, Belgium and many European countries.

For example, on September 17, 2002, a Canadian firm was convicted by a High Court in Lesotho for paying $260,000 bribe to secure an $8 billion dam contract.
In 2002, Halliburton, a company once controlled by Dick Cheney (former US Vice President), was accused of establishing $180m fund and used it to bribe Nigerian officials in order to secure a $10 billion Liquefied Gas Plant contract in Nigeria.

Achair Partners (a Swiss company) and Progresso (an Italian company) have been accused of bribing Somalia’s Transition Government officials in order to secure contracts to deposit highly toxic industrial waste in the waters of Somalia.

In October 2002, after a three year investigation, a UN Panel of Experts accused Cabot Corporation (Boston), Eagle Wings Resources International, and George Forrest’s OM Group (Ohio) of arming rebel groups and collaborating with them to traffic from DR. Congo gold, diamond, timber and, most importantly, coltan (columbo-tantalite)-a precious ore essential to Sony play stations, laptop computers, and cell phones. Coltan is often spirited out of DRC to U.S., Swiss, Belgian, and German clients by Uganda and Rwanda army officers, rebel groups and through a network of criminal syndicates.
Such corrupt practices by Western companies seeking contracts in Africa are part of the reasons poverty and diseases are rife in the continent.’’

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