
Tuesday 14 October 2014


Oyamuyefa  Alamieyeseigha son of the Bayelsa state governor, Diepreye Alamieyeseigha was killed in Dubai over the weekend. The mystery surrounding his death is not yet known. However, it's been confirmed that he was a murdered!
Meanwhile, Pres. Jonathan and his wife have released a statement commiserating with the former governor.The President promised his former boss support from the federal government in assisting to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of his son.

The President statement went thus: ‘President Goodluck Jonathan has received with shock and immense sadness news of the death of Mr. Oyamuyefa Alamieyeseigha in Dubai at the weekend. On behalf of his family and the Federal Government, President Jonathan extends heartfelt condolences to Oyamuyefa’s father, Chief Diepreye Alamieyeseigha and his entire family on the untimely loss of a very dear son in the prime of his life.

The President and the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan share their pain and grief over the death of Oyamuyefa in circumstances that are still unclear. President Jonathan assures Chief Alamieyeseigha and his family of the full support of the Federal Government as they strive to unravel the true circumstances of the young man’s death.

He prays that God Almighty will receive Oyamuyefa’s soul and comfort his grieving parents and siblings.’ As a parent i really pity the Alamieyeseigha’s and extends my heartfelt condolences to them. Having said that, the question that is begging for an answer inside me is why is it that when something tragic happened to the Politicians or moneybags in Nigeria that is when our government issued press released?

Lots of Nigerian youths have been murdered outside this country, to my amusement, Nigerian embassy in these countries refused to come up with any condemnation not to talk of government of Nigeria!

 The most recent is that of  Oloruntoba Oluwadamilola Falode, a 19 year old Nigerian student the only son of AIT Sports broadcaster and Confederation of African Football (CAF) executive, Aisha Falode, who was murdered  in Dubai on the 15th of February 2014 ;nobody feel concerned then because they have no personal political gains to get or score with his death!!!

In Ghana for instance, a   300 level student of Social Sciences at the University of Cape Coast , Godwin Ayogu, was murdered in cold blood on February 20, 2014, with his killers yet to be brought to book

 Another Nigerian student in the northern city of Arkhangelsk , Russia, Akinola Olufemi, was reportedly stabbed to death in southern Moscow, with his ears cut off.

Again, one Kelvin Chibueze ,17, a student in London, was stabbed to death at a birthday party in East London in August 2011 by one Lerone Boye , 27.

Baba femi Junaid , a 22-year-old Nigerian student was reportedly stabbed in the chest and in his bid to apparently rush to the nearest hospital, his car collided with a bus in Clapham Road, near Stockwell Tube station, south London, resulting in his death..

Forester Samson, 17,was murdered in Moscow, capital  of Russia, on March 4, 2014, by yet-to-be-identified Russian gangsters

Solomon Okolo (March 2013): Student from Delta state. Killed by Malaysian citizens in the presence of Malaysian police officers after crashing his vehicle.

Onoche Martins (March 2012): Master degree student. Killed by Malaysian Police personnel’s after he allegedly outraged the modesty of a 43year old lady by hugging, kissing and exposing himself by 11am

I hope the government will do something quick to solve the mysteries surrounding the killings of these youths in foreign land.

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