Pregnancy is the fertilization and development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus in a woman's uterus. It is the common name
for gestation in humans
‘Pregnancy affects a woman's body in a number of ways,
thereby affecting your sex life. As your wife's pregnancy progresses, give her
the opportunity to tell you what sex style suits her for maximum satisfaction
of both of you.
As your pregnancy progresses,
allow your creativity to take over. You will need to change positioning.
Instead of lying on your back, you might want to lie next to your partner
sideways or position yourself on top of your partner or in front of your partner.
As a woman's pregnancy
progresses, a man must understand that her libido may change. She may want sex
more often or less often because of the body adjustment that has taken place.
Often, in the first trimester, some women aren't that interested in sex. In the
second trimester, she will probably have more interest and energy for sex. In
the third trimester, once again, it is likely that she will lose interest in
sex. This is because her growing belly is putting more of a strain on her
At this period, having sex
with a pregnant woman can best be compared to deflowering a virgin because she
needs more care at this period, you need to obey what she wants especially when
she's not comfortable. It is best to start slow and be gentle.
Satisfying a pregnant woman is
not all that difficult. Be gentle, be patient, listen to her and these can turn
her up even if she wasn't interested at first.
However, after pregnancy, i.e.
after she must have put to bed, you'll have to go six weeks without sex.’